Sandbox, [January] Reward claim of [Nearcourt#8988]



Social Media Near Force

Briefly describe the Activity: Sustain your channel: grow your followers, posting updates/News/Comments. Also promotes the Ecosystem related post.

Provide the link to the end result:

Estimate your reward accounting for the all activities
$50 for half of January

Best regards!

Hi @Karisma26, thanks for your contribution!

Claim 1: Approve for $25 as we only run for half of the cycle this month. Unfortunately, the time span for this month is quite short and you have 2 days dropping (I would consider daily if it’s for a month, but now, I think you get me :wink: ) Appreciate your work.

Approved for submitting DAO application by OWS Moderator. ToT: $25

Big small letter: Thank you so much for your contribution so far. As of February, OWS will leverage its activities on projects and guilds, many new opportunities will be available on our Dashboard. I encourage you to continue sustaining your own channel and keep engaging with us, this can be helpful for further opportunities as we keep growing together. Cheers for the beginning of a NEAR year!

Thank you for your beautiful review as usual! Just that I feel it’s a bit unfair regarding my job as an occasional tweets considering the quality of work I did and the efforts it’s quite demanding you know.