Sandbox [December] Reward Claim of [PepegaSandwich#7295]

I am new here, It’s my first try to claim a bounty. Please notify me or guide me to make a better form.
Link to discord announcement:


This should be reviewed by the OWS team soon.

Please make sure you submit these in the Open Web Sandbox -> Rewards & Opps category - thanks! :tada:

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Hi @DenisKorepanov, thank you for your submission.

Your proposal will be reviewed in due time. Meanwhile, please correct the title:
“Sandbox [Relevant month] Reward Claim of [Your discord handle]”

This is very important for later data analysis, Thank you!

Thank you! Changed it.

Hi @DenisKorepanov, thank you for your submission.

Please refer to our Payment Request Guideline - OWS Docs to make sure your future claim is in the right format, or DM any of our Moderators for help.

Approved for DAO application for 2$NEAR by Moderator