[Report] Progress of NCD programs support - January 2022 (Reposted)

Project title: Near Certified Developer (NCD) programs support

One-liner : adding new content for NCD program materials

Project summary : NCD program support, which contains adding frontend apps examples (React, Angular, Svelte, Vue.Js) and explanatory articles/videos about this process for NCD students

Project members :
Oleksandr Sai
Illya Lavreniuk
Mihaiil Shevchuk
Taras Oliiynyk
Nazar Nyzhnyk

Period : Jan 1 β†’ Jan 31, 2022

Progress :

  • starting refactoring and adding new functions for exisiting NCD L1 smart contracts, this is needed to add more usability in UI for L2 examples. This updates will added as pull requests in Learn-NEAR.L1 github repos
  • added 4 new react dapps which is working with NCD L1 smart contracts. It will be added to Learn-NEAR L2 repos in β€œreact” branch . We are doing final tests and articles\videos before making PR to Learn-Near repo.
  • added first angular example, which is working with existing NCD L1 smart contract called sample-lottery and also in Readme added articles and videos for web2 Angular developers with explanations in Russian/English/Polish
  • started redesign of Ui for cold chain delovery smart contract, because existing design (wriiten by student, creator of smart contract) was not the right solution.
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I’m waiting for NCD program materials to translate Turkish. :grin:

Hello. What exactly are you waiting to translate? Because as you can see in post I am working on front end examples, so I have only have ReamMe files. If you want to translate readme of all LearnNear NCD L2 repos ReadME files to turkish, you are welcome and even more we can discuss some kind of cooperation

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We are planning to prepare a training plan for the Turkish committee in 1-2 months. While preparing the training plan, I plan to translate all kinds of documents into Turkish.
We have an instructor who is about to take an NCI. After certification, we can talk for cooperation.

Translation will not be just text. We are planning to record videos that explain the examples in Turkish.

Got it. In this case we can have a call with devs to explain them everything

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Hello. Do you have an NCI in your team already?

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Now, our teacher sent his project to Near University. He is waiting the feedback and then he will get the NCD. After NCD he will join NCI course. I think the process will be take a mounth :neutral_face: