[REPORT] (Product Designer | DAOrecords | June 2022)

DAO Name: DAOrecords
Position: Product Designer
Proposed objectives: [PROPOSAL] (Product Designer | DAOrecords | June 2022)
Report for the month and year: June, 2022

Accomplished objectives:

• Design Week 5, 6, 7, 8 Soundsplash drop pages

• Improvement DAOrecords.org website: mobile optimization (100%), customize cursor (40%), masonry grid for the news content (90%), Soundsplash section (90%)

I will continue to working on Daorecords.org website (finalize and publish news section, soundsplash section, etc) as well as continue working on designs for the Soundsplash series.

NEAR wallet name: lelen.near
Hours contributed: 100
Total requested funds: $2000

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