[REPORT] Nomade Label Marketing Monthly Report - MAY/22

Report: Nomade Label DAO / Marketing Plan May/22

Hello @marketingdao-council

This topic referes to:

DAO: Nomade Label DAO

Council Members:
wasem_simon.near - @blusw
manutegus.near - @gushlewis
pinkalskyy.near - @pinkalsky

Project Status: COMPLETED

Social Networks (Links):
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/nomadeagenda
LINKTREE: Quintas Paralelas | Linktree
DISCORD SERVER: nomadelabel-crypto-ágora
TWITTER: x.com

400 USD in NEAR

@ritamaria ritamaria.near
@blusw wasem_simon.near

Updated project timeline: The project ran throughout May.

On instagram, we reached about 2,025 accounts, +77.9% more than in April, we had a 22.7% increase in the number of followers and 10,295 impressions
On twitter, we had 2,848 impressions, 1,585 profile visits, 76 mentions and 13 new followers.

Work Description:

During the month of May, the team’s focuses were on feeding the two main communication networks of nomadelabel-dao : Instagram and Twitter.

On Instagram, a total of 24 posts were made to the news feed, including videos, reels and images, with content related to the DAO’s productions (live and online events, production of NFTs, among others). There were also 154 stories published, with subjects related to DAO productions, links to events in the metaverse, sharing the work of artists within the ecosystem, among others.

On twitter, 28 posts were made, including dissemination and promotion of NFTs, calls for DAO’s in-person and virtual events, and retweets of posts related to these activities.

We observed that there was an increase in the number of followers and interactions with these channels in this period. We also observed, mainly through instagram, a growing interest of an audience unaware of the ecosystem, with a need to learn/know more about this space and a desire to interact, and this has drawn our attention so that it may be in our future elaborations to create communication strategies that can address these contents in an attractive, artistic and effective way.

We had a balance of USD 170 for bounties from April.

There were 3 BOUNTIES, managed by @gabrielfelipejacomel, as listed below, as seen below:

50 USD in DAI [CLOSED BOUNTY] Share "Cineclube Japuanga" flyer

50 USD in DAI [CLOSED BOUNTY] Share "EAT + Chá com Bolo 2 - Ruído na Laje" flyer

20 USD in DAI [CLOSED BOUNTY] Buy new singles by Nomade Label

initial balance: 170 USD
amount used: USD 120 in DAI
ending balance: 50 USD

We better understand how Markentig is supporting DAOs for their monthly plans per social network. We are also noting the need to be more effective in disseminating the activities of the ecosystem, aiming for its growth and sustainability.

We hope to improve our proposals and ways of working at each step of the way.
We thank you for your support and advice.

With our best regards.

Highlights prints:


Just a correction on the Bounties I managed:

Two bounties had the budget of 50 USD and one had the budget of 20 USD.

initial balance: 170 USD
amount used: USD 120 in DAI
ending balance: 50 USD


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thanks, updating here!


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