Hello everyone! We are going through a not so smooth period of the market. However, this is a good time to build. We also worked hard in May to contribute something to the ecosystem, we would like to report our results based on what was set out in last month’s proposal: May proposal
You can also see April Report
- Social Media Report May Month
- Twitter
28 days summary
Tweets: 570 (Average 250 topics and 300 fast news)
Impressions: 1.03M (Target set previously: 800K each month)
Profile visits: 306K
New followers: 5729 followers => Total: 20.7K followers (Target set previously: 18K followers)
*Telegram channel
Subscribers: 1109 (Target set previously: 1000 subscribers - Increased 11.35%)
View per post: Average 218/post (Increased 17.20%)
*Telegram group
Members: 976 members (Members last month: 500 - Increased 38.83%)
(Target set previously: 1000 members)
Viewing members: 514 - Increased 82.27%
Messages: 5.5K - Increased 30.58%
Posting members: 347 - Increased 115.53%
We also held 3 minigames as planned:
Contest: x.com
-Week 1: x.com
-Week 2: x.com
-Quiz report: Quizz result - Google Sheets
However in May we used our funds to operate first. And soon this will be an important part of Near Insider’s ecosystem, creating a lot of value for it
Support 10 projects (4 of Apr and 6 of May) in Near ecosystem
Below is a list of projects that we supported in May
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GfNUGyftwO6SZT2zP5ZCLzLMrI_hsGhgtNoOIop9fYk/edit#gid=0 -
Contact with us:
- Twitter: x.com
- Telegram: Telegram: Contact @near_insider_DM