[Report] Marma J Gaming <> Gaming DAO Febuary

This is a report for completing the first milestone in our proposal for our funding request in the Febuary Round

Milestone 1:
Pixelpets, Cryptoheroes and CTT: Replace hardcoded near.org wallet with MyNearWallet to fix issues related to the shutdown of the near.org wallet

Amount received: $1200
Link to proposal: https://near.org/astraplusplus.ndctools.near/widget/home?page=dao&tab=proposals&daoId=gaming-dao.sputnik-dao.near&proposalId=25

Milestone’s Objective

The primary objective of this integration is to replace the hardcoded near.org wallet with MyNearWallet across Pixelpets, Cryptoheroes, and CTT platforms. This migration aims to resolve issues stemming from the shutdown of near.org wallet, ensuring uninterrupted user engagement and operational efficiency.

Integration Process

  1. Assessment of Impact: The development teams of Pixelpets, Cryptoheroes, and CTT conducted a comprehensive assessment to evaluate the impact of near.org wallet shutdown on their respective platforms. This step identified critical functionalities dependent on the near.org wallet.
  2. Migration Planning: A strategic migration plan was devised, outlining the steps required to integrate MyNearWallet seamlessly into each gaming platform. This involved identifying and modifying existing code segments reliant on the near.org wallet.
  3. Code Refactoring: Development teams initiated the process of refactoring code segments associated with wallet interactions. Specifically, hardcoded dependencies on near.org wallet were replaced with compatible functionalities offered by MyNearWallet.
  4. Testing and Quality Assurance: Rigorous testing procedures were conducted to ensure the successful integration of MyNearWallet. This involved functional testing, compatibility testing, and user acceptance testing across various scenarios.
  5. Deployment: Upon successful testing outcomes, the updated versions of Pixelpets, Cryptoheroes, and CTT were deployed, featuring seamless integration with MyNearWallet. Users were notified of the transition and provided with necessary guidance for accessing and utilizing the new wallet interface.

Screenshots of Fixes:

  1. Removed the Deprecated Near Wallet and added another Near Protocol and Wallet Meteor

  1. Pixel Pets

  2. Crypto Heroes

  3. Chain Team Tactics

Both wallets respond to opening and loading these games once enough fees for gas are used.


  • Enhanced User Experience: Integration of MyNearWallet ensures a smooth and intuitive user experience, facilitating seamless management of digital assets within the gaming platforms.
  • Continuity and Stability: By addressing the challenges posed by the shutdown of near.org wallet, Pixelpets, Cryptoheroes, and CTT ensure the continuity and stability of their operations, fostering trust and confidence among users and stakeholders.
  • Future Scalability: MyNearWallet and Meteor Wallet integration opens avenues for future scalability and innovation within the features, wallets, and functionalities to euser choice and engagement further.

Link to the GitHub outlining all the changes for wallet and backend optimizations + fixes:

Code for wallet selector


  • Milestone 2
    • Migrate Pixelpets to BOS