[REPORT] Full Stack Engineer | DAOrecords | November 2022

DAO Name: DAOrecords

Position: Full Stack Engineer

Report for the month and year: October, 2022

Proposed objectives: [PROPOSAL] Full Stack Developer | DAOrecords | November 2022

Accomplished objectives:

  • Worked on FonoRoot DAO contract (Sputnik)
  • Created single, album, mixtape general drop templates

I cloned the Sputnik contract, and removed the parts that we don’t need, I adjusted the tests so all the tests will pass after the removal of these folders.

I created a testing front end for the Fono Root DAO contract
https://mcontract-dev1.daorecords.io/ .

With the testing front end, I started to modify the Sputnik contract. Some of our logic will not live in the modified contract itself, how we interact with it will be very important, so I’m trying to explain the process in the development front end.
Currently Create New Group , Registration, Prepairing Data, Updating Data is implemented, although possible we will do changes on these as well.



I implemented the General Drop Templates design, that contains a template for single, album, and mixtape drops. Mobile is not implemented yet.


NEAR wallet name: optr.near

Hours contributed: 96

Total requested funds: $3000