[REPORT] FREELANCER DAO Council : Ankit soni

Hello NDC community my name is Ankit soni and i am submitting my report for April month which aims to summarize my contributions in Freelancer DAO as a Core Contributor.

Over the course of 4 weeks,I Contributed to FDAO:-

1). Moderating FDAO Telegram channels and Overseeing dedicated channels Made for Novice, Lancers and Ambassadors

  1. Mangaed Freelancer DAO Facebook page

  2. Tracking Engagers progress actively and providing dedicated tasks to ensure an impressive throughput from all engagers

  3. Building Growth strategies and Implementing on Freelancer DAO Community & Engagers to ensure consistent development of the FDAO community.

  4. Freelancer DAO council and Helping Engagers as an Eangers support.

  5. Guided Dev team to make Freelancer DAO own Dapps for community ease

:sparkle: Spent a total of 45+ hours in april for the above tasks.
NEAR Forums:- The_darrk
Twitter:- OP_SoniAnkit

I encourage you to review this report thoroughly and feel free to reach out to me with any questions, feedback, or additional information you may need.

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