Report for [Approved] The Rhemarizer metaverse NFT edition - March 2022 -

Project description: The Rhemarizer metaverse NFT edition is a recording showcasing an exclusive live extraordinary performance of afro-rock renditions of hit songs from my debut album backed up with Still graphics and motion graphics all of which will be minted to NXM mintbase store.

An official video to the theme song of the album has been shot and released and that’s brought a lot of traffic so I intend to capitalise on that traffic by having a live recording performing with music and dance, hit singles off the album in afro rock renditions never seen before then backing it up with motion graphics and then still graphics from the recording and moments from the official video and which all will be minted into the NXM STORE.
I have been an artist and creative director for years which has provided me a network of creatives and aspiring upcomings and I intend to onboard them through this project.

• to meet the need of a craving audience desiring to see a new era of the Rhemarizer on the web 3 space.
• I aim to introduce my network of people into the near ecosystem as that’s a new terrain for them to express their creativity.

A minute will be extracted from every song on the live recording Which will be 3 songs as NFT’s then 5 still graphics art alongside a motion graphics video will also be designed for the theme record.

To kick off, my band members that were part of the entire production shall be onboarded into the Near ecosystem of which near wallets will be opened for them Also, My fans that wish to listen to the exclusive NFT version of the Rhemarizer metaverse edition also creatives I worked with will be unboarded as well

A minimum of 100 people will be introduced to the Near protocol and an average of 20 people will be onboarded.

Included artist:
Sterryo - production
Hawwal - still/motion graphics
Timi Phoenix - artist
Chidera arts - still graphics
COT - Production/band rehearsals

Time Duration:
This entire project is estimated to take 3 weeks duration.

I will be using social media influencers for promotion, along side bloggers.
About 3 influencers whose have at least 2million active Nigerian followers.

Requesting a sum of $500 -

$250 for promotion
$150 for the still graphics and motion graphics.
$70 for rehearsals logistics
$30 for the onboarding and activation of Near wallets.




Hey, @Sholaspark Can you pls share the Video for Reference!


Hi @monish016 thanks for the reply. Here’s the link to the video shot.


Hey @Sholaspark

Please be informed that your proposals have been approved!
Feel free to request 50% of the requested funds to NxM.

We are implementing a new process of NxM membership via NEAR Guilds App, please join there, as stated wallets there will have privilege to request funding from NxM.
In order to join, please do the following steps:

  • Open NEAR Guilds App :arrow_right: :arrow_left:
  • Find NxM Guild​:eyes:
  • Log to the app using your NEAR wallet​:exclamation:
  • Join the community using your NEAR wallet! :raised_hands:

Also, feel free to leave your feedback here, when you will be doing the report, after the delivered show.


Wow , thanks a million. Looking forward to a very bright and NEAR future. I’ll do as instructed and revert with report asap.


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Hey @Sholaspark, Pls Update the Status for the above Project CC. @Paul @rhymetaylor @bonepolice @williamx


Greetings once again dear fam.
This project was quite successful. Quite a few set backs I must add but also a huge opportunity also has been realised.

The recording held on Sunday night 27th March, 2022 live at the miles '92 studio. All contents have been mixed and have just been received and have been minted into the best eco space.
Below are links to all arts that have been minted.

We had a lot of exciting hearts to hear about the NEAR ECO SYSTEM and a date had been fixed for onboarding everyone who has indicated interest on coming onboard which is the 3rd of April 2022.

I mentioned there were a few set backs earlier and that’s because I’m a leader and head coordinator of a youth church with a huge number in congregation. That leaves me with huge responsibilities and commitments that take lots of time hence the slight delay in carrying out the project. Also church consist of different people from different backgrounds and as unbelievable as it seems, the introduction of near protocol and most of what it entails to just few of my members had different feedbacks I didn’t expect but like I also said, A very amazing opportunity has availed itself in which I’ll be sharing in my next post/proposal.

Can I progress to requesting for balance to close this phase of the project?

Clips of production process / rehearsal

Prepare, 1st single of rhemarizer album nft Rock edition

@Monish016 @Paul @rhymetaylor @bonepolice @williamx @vandal



Kindly requesting for second part pay out for the rhemarizer project as all report have been submitted. Also funds are needed for activation of wallets. Thank you


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Thanks to @Monish016 @Paul @vandal

Onboarding begins shortly. Wrapping up project today. Thanks again everyone

The future is NEAR​:hotsprings:

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