[REPORT] FEBRUARY Monthly Report-Argentina Guild

Hello dear NEARians! I hope you are having a very nice day.
This is the first monthly report regarding events that occurred from the moment we started on January. We will be reporting the 10th of each month and the date included will be the current month but bringing back what happened on the last couple of days.

First and foremost I want to bring back the last post created on Jan 20 and probably the method to create these reports will be bringing back an old budget or goal towards each month to come, just to check where we were and where we are right now since that information brings up how much we are growing each month (and hopefully it continues to do so!)

Here is the January report and goals (Also guild creation, mission and vision can be seen):

In order to make it smoother and not so extensive, I’ll just detail the numbers and metrics which are more important to highlight in this case.

Since January 10th we have grown from 78 members on Telegram to a current 101 in just a month , and a rapid increase in the Twitter community growing from 41 followers to a total of 135 from the moment this post is written thanks to the efforts of @Turco .
The objective to achieve in the last post was to get to 100 members on Telegram and 100 on Twitter. On Feb 20 we will make a post to report the next goals to accomplish and surely this will be the date to post every monthly objective.

I’ll add the two links in case anyone wants to take a peek as well!

Regarding this part of our development I would like to thank @leamanza for taking part with me and being in charge to recruit most of the new developers in our Guild.
We managed to gather a team of 15 Devs as of today, in which are included @marianoc.near @Msr.WORWEY @penso and also @DarioFS who takes part on a DiR and also is a certified NCD L1 L2 and a NCI. We expect to have at least 5 Near Certified Developers or more in the upcoming months.

This part of the post is covered as well, since we expanded our number of Devs in the team and we are currently about to propose new Development projects as well as Academic projects.
The total of the funds and the objectives were met.

On socials we are seen a rapid growth and a good and active audience that meets the standards that we are looking for.
On Development we have a current project to present to NEAR Hispano which hopefully will help us to grow even further our Dev team.
On Academics we made contact with Santi Cristobal, the face of SOLOW in Twitter and the person who will help us to build an education project in which we expect to target around 1000 students and get at least a 1 or 2% of them to involve and complete Near Certifications as our end goal.

The introduction for both projects (The Development project and Academics) will be explained on another post later today for full details on both proposals.
Also will add to that post the detailed Mission for Near Argentina in 2022, which will involve getting as many Certified Instructors and Certified Developers, Professors and Analysts as possible. That would be our main goal towards this 2022.

Thank you very much for reading if you got this far and we are at your disposition in any inquiry that anyone may have :blush:
Best Wishes to everyone!

@FritzWorm @Dacha @David_NEAR @simeon4real