I’m happy to announce the activities conducted by Meta Pool in Turkey in February 2024.
Hello everyone! As the Meta Pool Ambassador, I have fulfilled my duties for this month.
I had virtual activities this month, which I believe are very important for the growth of our community. Below I will summarize the activities I…
Monthly Tasks:
- AMA on EMC Türkiye Telegram Group:
Title: AMA: What is Meta Pool? Meta Pool Features
In this AMA, I agreed with EMC Turkey to introduce Meta Pool and make explanations about the new features.
- AMA on Kripto Çılgınları Twitter Space AMA
More than 100 participants
- AMA on Unicorn Discord AMA
I told the community about the metapool and told them to stake.
25 participant
- In the video we published on our Kripto Çılgınları YouTube channel, I talked about Meta Pool and Solana cooperation and explained how to make staking!
Weekly Task
- Weekly shares of Medium posts.
- Powering Web3 Innovation: $10,000 Fund for APAC
- Meta Pool and Solana: Maximize Your Earnings with Liquid Staking!
- Blog posts shared on LinkedIn
- Powering Web3 Innovation: $10,000 Fund for APAC
- Meta Pool and Solana: Maximize Your Earnings with Liquid Staking!
The posts received approximately 200 views, 20 likes and 10 shares!
- Blog posts shared on Reddit
Account( r/kriptocilginlari)
- Powering Web3 Innovation: $10,000 Fund for APAC
- Meta Pool and Solana: Maximize Your Earnings with Liquid Staking!
The posts received 50 upvote each!
- 4 Twitter Threads:
- I announced the meta_pool and Giveth partnership and funding.
- I explained that they could stake Solana tokens with 6% APY and earn rewards.
- Announcement that the number of near staked in Meta Pool exceeded 19 million and the threads I mentioned about near stake
- Last reminder about Mpdao grants 6
Threads received an average of 700 views and 30 comments!
- Vertical videos published on social media
(Tiktok (kriptocilginlari) , Youtube (kriptocilginlari) and Twitter (yncrahmet00)
*I explained how to stake Solana in Meta Pool.
*I announced that the total number of staked NEARs in Meta Pool exceeded 19 million.
The videos have received over 5000 views.
- Near Social Post
kriptocilginlari.near account
- I announced the blog post Powering Web3 Innovation: $10,000 Funding for APAC.
- I announced the blog post Meta Pool and Solana: Maximize Your Profits with Liquid Staking.
- İnfografik
- I prepared an infographic on “Solana Staking on the Meta Pool Platform”.
- Infographic explaining the Meta Pool Grants 6 Participation process.
It reached 5000 views.
These are the tasks I did on Meta Pool in January.
Thank you!