[Report] Adem – Meta Pool Ambassador Working Activities for February, 2024

I’m happy to announce the activities conducted by Meta Pool in Turkey in February 2024.

Hello everyone! As the Meta Pool Ambassador, I have fulfilled my duties for this month.

I had virtual activities this month, which I believe are very important for the growth of our community. Below I will summarize the activities I…

Monthly Tasks:

  1. AMA on EMC Türkiye Telegram Group:

Title: AMA: What is Meta Pool? Meta Pool Features
In this AMA, I agreed with EMC Turkey to introduce Meta Pool and make explanations about the new features.

  1. AMA on Kripto Çılgınları Twitter Space AMA

More than 100 participants

  1. AMA on Unicorn Discord AMA

I told the community about the metapool and told them to stake.
25 participant

  1. In the video we published on our Kripto Çılgınları YouTube channel, I talked about Meta Pool and Solana cooperation and explained how to make staking!

Weekly Task

  1. Weekly shares of Medium posts.
  • Powering Web3 Innovation: $10,000 Fund for APAC
  • Meta Pool and Solana: Maximize Your Earnings with Liquid Staking!
  1. Blog posts shared on LinkedIn
  • Powering Web3 Innovation: $10,000 Fund for APAC
  • Meta Pool and Solana: Maximize Your Earnings with Liquid Staking!

The posts received approximately 200 views, 20 likes and 10 shares!

  1. Blog posts shared on Reddit

Account( r/kriptocilginlari)

  • Powering Web3 Innovation: $10,000 Fund for APAC
  • Meta Pool and Solana: Maximize Your Earnings with Liquid Staking!

The posts received 50 upvote each!

  1. 4 Twitter Threads:
  • I announced the meta_pool and Giveth partnership and funding.
  • I explained that they could stake Solana tokens with 6% APY and earn rewards.
  • Announcement that the number of near staked in Meta Pool exceeded 19 million and the threads I mentioned about near stake
  • Last reminder about Mpdao grants 6

Threads received an average of 700 views and 30 comments!

  1. Vertical videos published on social media

(Tiktok (kriptocilginlari) , Youtube (kriptocilginlari) and Twitter (yncrahmet00)
*I explained how to stake Solana in Meta Pool.
*I announced that the total number of staked NEARs in Meta Pool exceeded 19 million.

The videos have received over 5000 views.

  1. Near Social Post

kriptocilginlari.near account

  • I announced the blog post Powering Web3 Innovation: $10,000 Funding for APAC.
  • I announced the blog post Meta Pool and Solana: Maximize Your Profits with Liquid Staking.
  1. İnfografik
  • I prepared an infographic on “Solana Staking on the Meta Pool Platform”.
  • Infographic explaining the Meta Pool Grants 6 Participation process.

It reached 5000 views.

These are the tasks I did on Meta Pool in January.

Thank you!