NEAR Certified Instructor - NCD bootcamp NEAR Hispano

Project title: Teaching the first NEAR Hispano NCD bootcamp in Spanish as part of NEAR Certified Instructor program

One-liner: Teaching and support in the NEAR Hispano NCD bootcamp

Project DAO: NEAR Hispano SputnikDAO

Series: Onboarding NEAR Certified Developer bootcamp participants

Project members

  • Cristian Zambrano

Payout month: August 30, 2021 → September 3, 2021

NEAR target accounts: NEAR Hispano DAO

Payout request: 185 NEAR


***Teaching the 4th NCD bootcamp in NEAR Hispano ***
From August 30th to September 3rd, the first NCD Bootcamp in Spanish was launched. This time I started as an instructor planning and guiding the developers in the bootcamp.

  • 78 developers enrolled in the bootcamp
  • Support 10 teams in the bootcamp in the NEAR Hispano discord


Documentation used in the bootcamp wrote in Spanish
Comenzando el NEAR Certified Developer bootcamp 🧑🏻‍💻 - NCD- NEAR Hispano (