[PROPOSAL] Onboarding new Kid / Adult creatives into the ecosystem + minting their works as NFTs

@CommunityDAO I would love us all to see to this and give our contributions.


$3000 in Lagos is nothing to be precise, I can agree that the proposal is lacking in details. But the funding request is not much tbh

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Hello @marianeu i agree that the Nigerian NAIRA has less value compared to USD. One thing to know is that not every part of Nigeria has same rate of doing things. While life can be cheap in some parts of the country, it’s hell in another. Especially Lagos State. Things differ in the market. Also, payment for services differ with respect to who is doing it. $100 can pay a rent as the post on quora says, but did the person also tell how $200 can’t have you sleep in a hotel in same Asaba for two days?

$100 will pay you rent for a single room in the slum where I live and Lagos is not an exception


@marianeu greetings

I’ll have to come in here, it is understandable that the cost of living in places like Lagos differs like @Crypto_doctor and @IgbozeIsrael mentioned, $100 can pay per month rent in the mainland but not in the island of Lagos just know that @Purpledots and the team is building their reputation in the ecosystem also working towards same $NEAR goal as you’re so it’s wrong to accuse @Crypto_doctor and @Purpledots by saying they want to split tokens.

Things doesn’t work like most of you think here with all due respect you don’t conclude by assumption and for fact we all are building the NEAR web3 ecosystem doesn’t mean we are hungry when it’s time for our proposals to be reviewed. I’ve been a core community builder in the ecosystem from testnet and I have successfully hosted blockchain events that onboarded people and spread out $NEAR in a more transparent manner, so being part of this event team is assured that things will work out successfully with my input and note that this decentralized future starts with you so make it a good one and learn what you don’t know my friend.

It doesn’t matter if the proposal is approved or not like I said we are not hungry and no ones is splitting tokens they didn’t work for.


As one of the team organizing this event, i can vouch to the success of it with my input and below is the link to my first event on NEAR.

Peace :v:


I don’t think this is the case. Hosting an event in Lagos is a different thing all together. the cost of living in Lagos alone is high.
maybe you presume this to mean they want to grab tokens while they just want to make impact in their community having explored NEAR ecosystem. the case here should be that @Mintbase can’t give out more than it’s monthly funding as you stated long ago.


Hey @Purpledots , @Crypto_doctor , @IgbozeIsrael and @Dedeukwu ,

thank you for explaining in more detail. I did not in any way want to accuse anyone of grabbing tokens, but I just shared my impression - that I got from this superficial research about Lagos.

Okay, so let’s schedule a meeting and you explain how you aim to educate about near & MINTBASE.

How does that sound?

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Sure I understand it’s your impression but most times Google doesn’t give us the real details we need but it’s alright, @Crypto_doctor is in Northern part of Nigeria ( Kano ) and not part of this event team likewise @IgbozeIsrael but they can join the meeting and contribute their ideas as well. They interfered because they saw the potential in the proposal i think.

This event team by @Purpledots is @Blessedchidi ( A Nigerian Criminologist we newly onboarded )
Check her Twitter account.

and @anointingthompson1 ( A Cinematographer & a singer )
Check his Twitter account.

Myself and @Purpledots

I will share your Calendly to them in the group and we will decide on when this meeting will hold.


…btw, i’m not part of those planning the event. Just made my comment seeing that things were going the other way round.


I am just seeing this it’s very insultive of you to say we are trying to grab tokens. @marianeu This is very unprofessional of you and get your facts straight before wrongly accusing us of such.
I don’t have much to say but I am very disappointed in this statement


I was in Lagos last year and I had to pay $400 per day on Victoria Island for accomodation.

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hi @Crypto_doctor look, I deleted that comment - it was honestly my impression.

After my researches I think that 3k dollars is a lot of money in Nigeria, for a event where kids dance and then their dances are minted on blockchain.

This is just all very confusing to me, in the call you told me you’d film the kids dancing, explain blockchain, nfts and mitnbase to the, and then mint it. And that this whole process would cost between 2 and 3 thousand US dollars.

I must say I have not had the best experience with events happening in nigeria until now, it is just super hard to verify anything, no-one [edit: it happened to me that a person never] sends me receipts or anything, and it gets impossible to work like that.

I hope you get lucky with your project and find someone who can work better with these ideas. It just did not find the scope for mintbasedao. I am sorry.

Hey @marianeu I am not a part of this team neither am I a part of the guild. I am only a community member from Nigeria. Whether this is approved or rejected I gain nothing from it. Thanks

Refer back to @Dedeukwu’s post [PROPOSAL] Onboarding new Kid / Adult creatives into the ecosystem + minting their works as NFTs - #42 by Dedeukwu you’ll realise that I have nothing to do with this event, I’m afraid you’re directing your aggression at the wrong person


You shouldn’t have deleted the accusation @marianeu because it should have served as a lesson to others.

I know my African history has been misinterpreted and that’s a major reason why I’m on the blockchain meanwhile I’m officially not a part of this event anymore. I was never part of it from the beginning but i joined in the middle when i was told about it by @Purpledots because i think my knowledge and experience will play a huge role in making it a success.

No hard feelings dear


Seeing this really got me thinking. I sent you receipt of the hall 9ja musical used in the last event. Maybe you forgot this happened.

As @Crypto_doctor said, I am not a member of this team. I’m just a NEAR community member who saw something and needed to comment.

This makes feel now that it’s okay for someone in another part of the world to use $3k for an event but it’s a token grabbing opportunity when someone from Nigeria has to use same amount for an event.

It’s okay if this proposal doesn’t get approval if it lacks the detailed information you need, but the idea I’m seeing here is NOT cool at all.

Above all, nothing changes. We all are just trying to make contributions in any way.

…just btw, @marianeu how about you write a concrete post on the forum to reshape funding for people from Nigeria since you have every little details of the cost of things in the country.


The whole idea, is that Africa is assumed to be cheap it terms of getting some things done, not keeping in fact the rapid inflation and increase devaluation of native currencies of this African state


Hey @IgbozeIsrael, this comment was not related to your event, but to another one that happened in Nigeria. I do not want to offend anyone.

I am sorry this came across aggressive!!!

I will add in the proposal guide that I will be needing to see receipts. I saw yours, that’s why we did not have this discussion. I was not talking about your event.

Look, I am really trying to be as fair as possible, it is impossible for me to know what is worth what where on the planet. That’s why I am starting to ask for receipts / invoices.

I would never want to offend anyone from the African continent. As a South American I understand that there is too much racism in this world and I definitely do not want to be a person perpetuating racism.

This other event in Nigeria happened, they showed me the receipts of the venue, but for all other things said it was dealt via phone call so there was no way to prove it. Some days later receipts appeared, when I googled the businesses nothing showed up.

I am really sorry if I offended someone, this guideline of receipts will be used in every proposal now because mintbaseadao wants to be fair to everyone.

I edited that no-one working up there to be really clear that it happened once! I put [edit] so it becomes clear.

Honestly understand why you guys are having this discussion with me. I praise for same treatment for everyone. Sorry again if this came across too aggressive!! Will definitely think 100 times before sending something impulsively next time just to do it fast.

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Ok, let me adresss this one quick. I have seen and read all of the replies to this topic. I created the topic and I’m the initiator of the idea. I have it all mapped out but since I wasn’t able to narrate it the way you want it to appear on here doesn’t mean it’s invalid. @marianeu Thanks for pointing out your worries and also thank you for making many other fingers come across it too.

So, either it’s approved or not is not going to make the idea die. I believe there’s a time I Will actualize this idea.

Many thanks :pray:.


There are many things that one has to rely on locals to have them at affordable rates. When we made our songs, we had to use local producers because too notch producers that have websites and all that charge very high.

Some things have to be trusting someone and that’s all.