[Proposal] NearDrop Campaign

Hi Community!

Following the idea of growth and sustainability, our DAO realised that onboarding new people to the community gonna make her grow. Changa Records DAO is applying monthly funds in our events and our label. We have onboarded already visual and music artists but we need to expand more our community.

In the next months we are trying to funnel our funds to expand Changa Records DAO in the digital ecossistem. We had a workshop with Mintbase DAO on the 5th July 2022 to learn how can we use Mintbase to sell music, do ticketing and maybe sell merchandise.

Being this said we are throwing this NearDrop campain that consists in onboard arround 50 persons per month during 3 month until November. Every NearDrop will contain 2N that can be used for buying items from our mintbase, NFT tickets or drinks/food in our events.

Onboardings until November: 150/160 persons 3 x 400 USD


:NOTE: Due to N value went down, we decide to postpone the campain to Start in September (explained in the July Report)

Best Regards
Changa Records

Hi there @ChangaRecords, thank you for the proposal

Did the workshop organized? How it went? Or else do you mind updating your proposal?

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Hey William. How are you doing?

We had the workshop yesterday with Maria and was very nice. Made us understand that Mintbase and NFT selling is indeed a powerfull tool that we can use to expand our community.

We will upload more music from our label artists during this month and the Next ones.

On the other hand we realised that with NearDrop onboarding we can already explain people about mintbase and combine both platforms. We proposed to drop wallets with 2 N, but we are going to drop some free tickets in order to engage out physical community into this platform.

Até já