[PROPOSAL] NEAR Music Bloc Workshop Collaboration with Beat DAO August by Svara

Council members:




wizzow and @Paul from BeatDAO discussed about the DAO collaboration which aims to introduce web3 and the NEAR music community to people in Indonesia.

We will hold a workshop on NFT Music with NEAR Indonesia which is also represented by @derymars

Last month this activity was quite effective and there were 24 visitors who opened near wallets

In this workshop, @Paul will talk about the music ecosystem in the NEAR community, explaining the function of web3 with a 15 minute video recording

The target market for this workshop is music lovers, music collectors, Hype, Young, Executive millennials who live in Jabodetabek (west area of the Indonesian capital).

NEAR Indonesia will help Svara DAO to provide support by becoming speakers for workshops/presentations related to NEAR with a focus on the topic of NFT Music. We will talk about 1 hour for the NEAR Protocol presentation.

Support funding from Beat DAO $100

Terimakasih, Svara DAO Councils
One Love