ZON will continue to conduct two Hype Battles and bring in new artists for the month of February
We would like to budget for:
-Prize 20 NEAR for each of the winners in the battle
1st place 10N
2nd place 7N
3rd place 3N
For a total of: 20N ($220) x 2 Battles a month = 20N ($440)
-Graphic design of promotional materials, A different flyer each month with slight alterations each battle. =23N ($253)
-Twitter and Discord battle engagement moderation.
Make sure all the rules are followed.
Preventing ‘exploitive’ way of winning or voting.
Answering questions, comments, and concerns of all participants.
Collaborating with other DAOs & Artists to increase participation and growth.
=23N ($253)
Hype Battle Total Budget
Hype Battle Place | Earning |
1st | 10N |
2nd | 7N |
3rd | 3N |
|Two times a month|
| Total | 40N|
Hype Battle Management | Earning |
Graphic Design | 23N |
Twitter and Discord Management | 23N |
| Total | 46N|
| Hype Battle Place | 40N | $440
| Hype Battle Management | 46N | $512
| Total | 86N | $952
NEAR is $11 at the time of calculating