[PROPOSAL] Homem de Verdade (Real Man) - Post-production

Project: Finalization of the short film HOMEM DE VERDADE (REAL MAN)

Proponent: @rafaelrudolf

NEAR account for payment: rafaelrudolf.near

Request for DAO Infiltration Films @filmesdeinfiltracao

Timeline: SEP 16th – OCT 20th

Budget: 700 DAI

Objective: Post-production of the short film HOMEM DE VERDADE (REAL MAN).

The self-fiction documentary was made with archival footage of Rafael Rudolf as a child and as a teenager, as well as footage of the adult artist, produced especially for the project. The film addresses topics such as the construction of memory and masculinities, the expression of eroticism, as well as homophobia and structural machismo.

Below the basic budget for finishing this film:

1. Film editing: 250
2. Sound design: 50
3. Music / Original songs: 200
4. Subtitling: 50
5. Data backup: 50
6. DCP: 50
7. Titles: 50

Total: 700 DAI

Important notes:

  • NFTs of the film will be released after completion;
  • @blusw 's original soundtrack for the movie (4 songs) will be released by Tamago.

Rafael Rudolf is a Brazilian actor and visual artist. He worked as an actor in the feature films A Rosa Azul de Novalis (2018) and Desaprender a Dormir (2021), both by @gustavovinagre . In the latter, he was also responsible for the photography. Rafael also acted in the film A Alegria é a Prova dos Nove, by Helena Ignez, which is currently being finalized.

Instagram: @rafaelrudolf

Greetings to the community!


Is there any mention of Near in this film? Why do you think that the ecosystem will sponsor a film based on a script that has nothing to do with the ecosystem and the Near blockchain? Will your film be able to attract new users to the Near ecosystem?
Thx :blush:


I’m curious to see the short film, the themes are as attractive as possible.


Thank you, @theuba.near ! Looking forward to finally finish it.


@pathfinder , I edited the text with specific information concerning Near.


Dear @pathfinder thank you for stalking :slight_smile: !

I understand your point, and at FILMES DE INFILTRAÇÃO DAO the idea is to create a bridge between Near Ecosystem, web3 and film industry/physical world.

I invite you to read our introduction:

Our projects they have this characteristic intrinsically.
Rafael detailed more his proposal to be more clear for who is reading.

I invite you also to take a look in all the creative projects around the FORUM, because sometimes they are not necessarily connected in thematic or to NEAR blockchain, but they, yes, bring the NEAR ecosystem around them. It could be, in a present event, or in a mention, or in a projection in metaverse, or on web3.

The people that propose here, in general they want to be more and more part of the ecosystem, and so, giving a first step is necessary to “blockchains” :wink:

Regarding @rafaelrudolf , I also guess the thematic that the film brings, touch a lot of people on this ecosystem.

I also would like to know more about your creative projects :slight_smile:

Greetings and keeping in touch!


@rafaelrudolf Thank you for correcting the text. @filmesdeinfiltracao What do you need my projects for? Perhaps some of my money is invested in a Near fund. The exchange rate has fallen and I am not making a big profit. There are a lot of scammers who want to get money and do nothing. And so I decided to personally look at all the offers. Maybe I am one of the consuls who does not want negative conversations in his address and thus more carefully check the proposals. One thing I can say for sure, I am an enthusiast and I am not indifferent to the Near ecosystem. It takes a lot of time for consuls to consider proposals due to the fact that there is little information. If the grantee writes his proposal informatively, that is, the essence of the project, the goals of the project, the distribution of the budget, how it will help the ecosystem and metrics in quantity and percentage. Specify social networks, websites, nicknames of moderators. If you have already received a grant, then you need to attach a report. When all this information is in one sentence, it will facilitate the work of consuls and speed up the time for a decision. Understand me?
Thx :blush:

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Hey! Thanks for spending time around and care about what’s happening around. Your words catch my heart!

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Dear Stalking,

since we are all building together a NEW ECOSYSTEM exchanging projects is something i wish that could happens in a new kind of world. Why not share yours with us?
Maybe you can also learn as we are learning with you too!

As you can see, the budget distribution and close informations regarding NEAR are in his proposal :slight_smile:

As council, as I was long period, we are invited to understand the nature of each project, make questions, regarding the project, the budget distribution and so on, but always, first of all, learn the nature of a project and never try to change the concepts or it’s roots regarding our tastes desires and so on, these things regards the people who made the proposal, and we don’t have the right to ask them to make as we want. What we can do is suggest directions, and make pertinent questions.
Let me know which DAO you are council, maybe I can contribute with you as well :slight_smile:

Here we all aren’t indifferent with the near ECOsystem, we are old cats around the world that did a lot of things and we are enthusiastic of new experiences. Why would you think we are not? Would be disrespectful of your side, judging without even knowing others. Just be careful with pre- concepts of what you could have. I’m in this ecosystem a long time already doing a lot of diference, I wish i could meet you and then we could think about do the diference together.



I speak as a regular member, not @creativesdao-council

This is irony?

You are not helping anything, as you don’t understand much about the content of the nature of proposal.
This is a Creative/Artistic proposal, and not a Marketing one, so maybe you are just asking the wrong questions.

looking for scammers in the wrong place. :confused:

Our community are doing a great and serious job on the ecosystem since we arrived.
Decentralization is a ongoing process, and i think we respect alot the guidelines, and create thing from nothing.

@filmesdeinfiltracao - honest council member, already experienced and respected of 4 DAO.

  • check her background on the forum, I cant recall :wink:


I think you lost the point, your are challenging a Warrior! :muscle: :film_projector: :level_slider: :sparkling_heart:

We fight with the heart and art


I didn’t say that you are bad or you don’t care about the ecosystem. There is nothing wrong with my questions, I am not insulting some project or some person. I just find out details about the projects and ask my questions, just like you in your message. Don’t you like my enthusiasm? You have noticed well that you are old cats. I’m a bit of a different pack. I am a young lion who, seeing the weakness of the pride leader, comes and leads him to solve new ambitious goals. Thank you for your time. If you need any of my contacts, write to me, I can provide you with my mail or messenger. I’m afraid to upset you, you will see a similar tree and the same nickname on the avatar.
Thx :blush:

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Reread the meaning of the entire message and there is no need to swear. I didn’t tell you that you weren’t doing anything. Do not tear out part of the text from the sentence. As a consul, you must behave ethically. Don’t forget about ethics. I can send you the Near etiquette in private messages. Did I say that your project is bad? No. I just asked that this proposal should be approved not only on your whim, but with benefits for the ecosystem. And this does not apply only to marketing.

I have a suggestion. Let’s talk about the proposed projects and not get personal. This is a forum for discussing projects. I hope for your understanding.
Thx :relaxed:

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I’m not upset at all!
Thx for your feedback :wink:
and let’s exchange more about lions and cats, they are all from the same nature after all.


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Thank you so much @blusw for your considerations as well as for all the info at NEAR gallery.
It’s important even for us, to see our own importance, because sometimes circunstancies don’t help to see our on value and how we can add value each another.


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we v being working things out today


@rafaelrudolf e cia! Não esqueçam de seus reports deste lindo projeto!!!

We are very happy that HOMEM DE VERDADE (REAL MAN) premiered this year and took part in the Mix Brasil Festival, Berlin P Film Fest and Transformafest Brasil.

We’re always very excited when a festival we admire sponsors a film like this. We’re very grateful for the selection of this odd film, which we think is so powerful and important.

Long live BRAZILIAN CINEMA! Long live LGBTQIAPN+ films, which are growing stronger and stronger, despite all the opposing forces!