[PROPOSAL] DedeukwuShryne Second Month Of Shryne Vodcast (August)

August For Another Interesting Episodes Of Shryne Vodcast

Hello NEAR Fam, Gm Gm, from stables of the DedeukwuShryneHub. I like to bring to you this proposal for another month to carry on our Shryne Vodcast. With many more insightful and interesting projects.

During the first month of executing this wonderful and educative initiative, we did come up with tangible means to keep our audience captivated with interesting topics. We dug deep into the informations and used exciting ways to bring the info to them. Our goal which is to bring the knowledge of web3 and on-chain projects to the common man in simple terms was achieved. And we did reach wider audience off-chain. We target also those that are not so inclined towards blockchain and those involved also in the ecosystem, We aim to bring everyone onboard inclusively into the community and teach them the endless possibilities of blockchain.

Happy to say that we achieved our utmost strength during the first time of experimenting this project as it was our first time to anchor Vodcast hosting like this. Safe to say it granted us an unforgettable experience and opened us up to the abilities we never thought we had. Happy for that.

This Month of August, we have interest to speak in details about these project ongoing in the NEAR ecosystem:
• Near.social,
• Ref Finance
• Rainbow Bridge and
• NearPay

We want to make the knowledge of these beneficial projects seamless to our target audience; thereby creating a safe environment for them to be enlightened in ways that they can join in and even earn through these projects.

Having known about so many benefits of these projects, we have thereby took it upon ourselves to become a medium of information to help aid the ordinary man with little to no knowledge of web3 into becoming sensitized, up and building.

Through these Vodcast, our aim is highly beneficial and we’ll see that it’s achieved.

To achieve this goal, we need
Two Vodcasters— $200
Technical team—$100


Target wallet: dedeukwushrynesputnikdao

Warm regards