[PROPOSAL] DAOrecords Discord Monthly Contest: Keystyle Sessions

DAO Name: DAOrecords
Position: Community Manager

Meet the Team

Vandal - Operations [Founder] @vandal
Masia One - Lead A&R @masiaone
Pawel Crans - Project Manager @Paul
Elena Marakova - Product Designer @lelen.maramar
Derrick Ong - Marketing @_Tech1
Sleezy Moss - Community @Sleezy_Moss

In the hope to bring more activity within the Discord Server, a new monthly contest will be introduced on DAOrecords Discord Server. This contest will be based on the Keystyle writing which was once famous back in the early 2000s Era within the Hip-Hop’s Culture.

Participants need to write a 16 bars poetry (in English) where they also need to include 8 specifically chosen big words. The contest will start on the 2nd week through the 3rd week of every month as the winner will be announce at the 1st week of the upcoming month with the 4th week of the month will be used for judges to determine the winner. 3 (Three) winners will be chosen each month based on their creativity in connecting them big words, the use of literature techniques such as rhyme schemes, assonance etc etc., and story-telling with 10 NEAR worth of total prizes up for grab (1st Place - 5N, 2nd Place - 3N, and 3rd Place - 2N). Judges for the contest will be @vandal, @_Tech1 and @Paul.

Link: Keystyle Contest

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