[Proposal] Cameroon African cup of Nation Near ONBOARDING and campaigning NXM LIVE EVENT with LIVE performance February 5th_____14th 2022We

Limbe amusement park

Will teach them more about near and the web3 ecosystems


Hi @Jahzonemusician, I agree you are seizing on a very advantagous moment. I like the idea in general, but I’m not sure I understand specifically what you will do. Please walk us through what will happen as someone who engages with this initiative and is onboarded. Also, it is over the budget Onboarding has. Is it possible to pick an aspect of the initiative that we may fund $500? You’d need to find funding for other aspects but that could make it fit into our funding capacity.

Thanks boss please can you go through and see if am done on constructing the proposal cause it’s going to be a live event for campaign and onboarding

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Greetings @Jahzonemusician I can give feedback in short now, but I need more time to give a more in depth review of the proposal. I am willing to do so, and infact I have already started work on that. If you are interested in a more detailed feedback, let me know.

Regarding the submitted proposal, it is not detailed enough in my estimation. I’d like to know more about how you will specifically connect the crypto curious or new to the blockchain to NEAR? How will you teach people about NEAR? How will you connect wallets and how many wallets? It may sound dry but when that connects with your creative JahZon it will be powerfull. Regretfully I think the message is not yet clear in this proposal.

Also, your requesting an amount we can’t fund ($1000). It’s over Onboarding DAOs budget.

I feel you have identified a promising moment, through the African Cup. JahZone, you have the talent, skill and experience to make monumental events, and deliver foundational messages.

All this said, there is too much missing from the proposal. I can’t see a clear vision of what is being proposed.



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Am interested in more details feed back please help me out

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Please can you go through my proposal and see if I need to add up some more details :fire:?

nice proposal bro! It’s nice to see you want to spread the world through culture IRL, hope you got the proposal approved! :slight_smile:

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Is up to the council maybe they ain’t trusting me cause of the first event details I summited was a little bit late but I’ve learned from my mistake will correct that this time around,truly I appreciate your word am only working with no PC hopefully I got one soon an I need to get a bigger team here with me so we can work together it’s difficult for me to work alone… thanks my brother for understanding :+1:

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Hello, Jahz sorry to hear that you lost the opportunity some how to buy your laptop with the $400 USD that were sended to you.

About this proposal you got approved:

Can you point me out where is the report ?

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Please :pray: :pray::pray::pray: check the report from the Link above