Hi everyone. My name is Victor Gonçalves and I have been researching about space and territory in my artwork through drawing and installations since 2017. Recently I have participated in the artistic residency Poliedro, Incubadora DAO, my research expanded into the field of digital language. Namely A.R.
My goals as an artist in this project have been to use A.R as a form of intervention and appropriation of urban space. That is, to continue the research that was started during the artistic residency. So far I have two prototypes inside the artivive platform (https://artivive.com/). The project is based on two theoretical assumptions: weak universalism by Boris Groys, and The nature of space, technique and time, reason and emotion by Milton Santos.
I have three examples of research that started at the residence and that motivate us to continue the research now with the VR DAO group, the gifs below are made with the cell phone and are potential interventions made and traffic signs, they are still just ideas and potential of what can be done.
If you download the artivive app on your mobile phone you will be able to see the experiment already available on their platform. When activating your camera in the app you should aim at this image below.
General purpose:
Develop research on diminished reality within the concept of augmented reality. In the near future to have an artificial intelligence that recognizes patterned surfaces in public space and when recognizing these surfaces, activate my artistic intervention.
With the implementation of the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals in 1978, many members of the European Union now utilize a standard set of signs. Traffic sign is the contextual cutout within the urban space that I will use. I will delimit to the group of regulatory traffic signs that looks like “Regulatory No Parking Or No Stopping”, or “Regulatory No Entry”, among others.
For this I will have to:
- full access to artivive platform;
- to make a virtual space to show the result;
For the future months, prepare a strategic plan on how to have an exclusive app for the project.
For this I will have to:
- Having a partnership with an artificial intelligence developer;
- Make the project’s app available on the appstores;
- Have a website to display results.
Specific purpose for the first month
The European regulatory traffic sign standard is composed of 18 boards and it will be with these traffic signs that I will work in the first part of the project, The proposal is to work with up to 3 traffic signals per month. It makes them available as NFT in Mintbase and together in the Artivive platform. In other words, in this first month I will produce up to 3 virtual interventions in augmented reality on 3 different traffic signs.
For that I will have to:
- Have access to artivive’s professional plan $10,0;
- Field work to collect more materials about traffic signs - 3h;
- Data processing of field collection 3h;
- I’m going to create 3 video art to intervene in traffic sign - 20h;
- Test plan of prototypes with another 3 people and devices - 3h;
- Update prototypes after testing and necessary repairs - 5h;
- Show the first results through social midia and ask for feedback - 3h;
- Write a report of the first part process and present the plan for the next steps - 3h
total 40h
For the first month I will spend 40h and I will need $800 (± 140N) already including the software and upgrade in Artivive platform.
Short Bio
Victor Gonçalves (São Paulo, 1989) has a degree in Geography from UNESP (2013) and studied visual arts - drawing at Ar.Co in Lisbon. He worked as a teacher for three years in public schools in Brazil, in addition to coordinating cultural and educational projects in the Heliópolis favela (SP). He won the Young Scientist award (CNPQ / FAPESP) for using drawing as a methodology for analyzing the daily use of public space. In 2020 he had a video selected for the Dobra festival at the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro. In the same year he participated in the artistic residency - Grão in Aveiro, Portugal. In 2021 he had his first solo exhibition entitled “Por um Fio” curated by Cristiana Tejo at NowHere, this year he participated in the Nectart artist residency in Barcelona with the exhibition at Espronceda gallery in July within the Art Nou festival. The issues of space, material and affections are the central element of his artistic research and subjects such as matter, movement and time are the devices. Going from drawing as a scientific methodology to drawing as an artistic investigation, he makes his work an act of reading and creating places. He has participated in collective exhibitions in Brazil and Portugal having as its most recent work the installation in the Encruzilhada project, Lisbon, Portugal. And is currently part of the Risco Coletivo and NowHere groups. Lives and works between São Paulo and Lisbon.
Instagram, website: