Very happy with all this feautures at the same event:
24/02/22 - 20h(brst) :
Derivé - drifting verses on metaverse - nomadelabel exhibition and Quintas Paralelas Surreal Podcast premier screening.
Join us tomorrow, 20h(brst) at:
The crypto-character Dragomir Artenie, is glitch artist that stayed in a metaverse atelie, creating art pieces, processing what he gazes there, on the new kind of loneness.
Coming from a non-struturalist background, the art works review the French avantguard thinkers and artists {Situationist International - Wikipedia} that that criticizes society as a spectacle, related to the Flaneur’s posture, of a spectator. Baudelaire´s concept of flâneur, "as the artist that the world of art has been question. "¹
So this project is a site-specific(processual art) that deals with time, space, distortion and taste. There are stories hiden on each of the 15 NFTs(plus poster, gos 16 NFTs), wrote on database, as marginal poet on web3. Visit the 3xr resolt
And Quintas Paralelas Surreal podcast you can find the proposal here:
And also visit our
Hope to see you on next projects on metaverse
¹ - * Parkhurst Ferguson, Priscilla (1994). “The Flâneur : The City and Its Discontents”. Paris as Revolution: Writing the Nineteenth-century City . Berkeley.