Project Name : Proposal to establish 2 part-time positions; 1 Developer and 1 Sound Designer
Project members :
(guidance from @microchipgnu and @frnvpr [for the administrative part])
Target Address : Instead of asking the payout to a DAO wallet, both will ask the payout directly to the Creatives DAO.
Project Accounting : non-applicable
Funding Period : October.
Requested amount : 5000$
Updated Project Timeline
During the month of September the VR DAO has onboarded a part-time Developer to work on the various ongoing VR related projects the VR DAO is developing, plus helping other DAOs when they are in need of a pair of hands to work on specific projects.
For September, the 2500$ for that specific position was included in the VR DAO Funds Request. it was [APPROVED] here [APPROVED] VR DAO September Funding Request and a bounty was created (and fulfilled) here [CLOSED BOUNTY] Part-Time Developer to work with VR related projects
It is our view that, if need be, this system can continue, since it fits into our plans for the future: to be the ‘go to’ DAO for VR projects and technical expertise.
Following that, and when discussing the projects and bounties for the NEAR | CON, we found that funding a position for a Sound Designer, replicating the Developer Part-time position, would bring enormous value to the community.
That Sound Designer (his position would be better described as an immersive sound designer) can work on VR projects, but also all kinds of sound spatialization (music, film, exhibitions, etc).
Fellow VR DAO council member @nico is a professional in these fields and would love to focus his time on supporting the community.
These 2 positions would be an incredible addition to the ecosystem, as we believe the demand exists, but, since the current fund cap is 5000$, if the VR DAO supported them both it would be left with 0$ to support the various community efforts (or reward council work, for that matter).
For that effect, we would like to get the CREATIVES DAO thoughts about:
Two PROPOSALS (to be made after we hear everyone’s thoughts) to be directed to the Creatives DAO:
- Part-time, Developer, 20h per week, monthly payout 2500$
- Part-time, Sound Designer, 20h per week, monthly payout 2500$
The VR DAO is putting forward this pre-[PROPOSAL], but, if approved by the council, both the Developer (@sainthiago ) and the Sound Designer (@nico ) will be responsible for their own proposals to the council, plus report+payout proposal if accepted.
The VR DAO pledges, in any case, to facilitate this operation if the Creatives DAO council feels any help is needed.
Total amount requested = 5000$
Contacts and useful links:
Our TG channel is open to everyone who wants to engage with us and explore new VR related projects and ideas. Meet us on TG Telegram: Contact @vrdao, Instagram Login • Instagram and twitter
Everyone can also check what we are currently working on, just follow this link: vr-dao open doc - Google Docs ; for the moment, only council members can edit, but feel free to comment.
Find also Microchipgnus project 3XR on twitter and discord Discord .