Pots Are Cooking - Mid Feb - March Update

Original Newsletter Post: Pots Are Cooking: Mid Feb - March Update

Brace yourselves, Potlock’s first quadratic funding round goes live with $10,000+ from the Creatives DAO!. Africa Public Goods Round starts, and NEAR Foundation puts over $100,000 in matching pools for QF that have significantly grown since then. Wholesome activities at EthDenver. We’ve been shipping updates at Potlock and Nada.bot, and the rest of public goods ecosystem has been shipping even faster! Q2 is looking bullish for the regens.

:bell: Updates:

  1. Creative Public Goods Round $10,000 (which grew to over $16,000 due to price of NEAR) matching round has closed with 25 projects, over $3,000 in donations, 145 donors, and 338 donations,

  2. NEAR Foundation Announces Support for Potlock with $100,000 in the matching pools for Africa, Retroactive Builders, Open Source, and AI verticals

  3. 1 week on-chain cooldown/challenge period is live for people to challenge results. Check out how to challenge. Additionally,a survey went out to participants which will be aggregated into insights included in a retrospective report published after payouts.

  4. Announcing Retroactive Builders Round ($40,000 matching pool) by Build DAO, applications are open with 10+ projects, close in 8 days

  5. Applications closed Africa Public Goods and matched donations started this Monday March 4th for 2 weeks. 14 projects.

  6. Co-Founder @NEARProtocol, Illia tops Donor leaderboard by Donating $1,000 to a Project on registry, later being surpassed by NEAR Big Brain when he donated $4,000 with of NEAR across projects like shardDog, shardDog, NEAR Intern, Boneyard Gaming, Proof of Vibes, and year of chef

  7. YEAR OF CHEF redistributes 10N to 10 Projects

  8. Potlock Launches a New Facebook page

  9. Potlock feature in the 99th newsletter + 100th edition of Web3ForGood

  10. Introduction of Random Donations Feature + Blog

  11. @0xmarkeljan built Potlock bot (A bot for PotLock that posts about donations or registrations, tagging linked Twitter handles.)

  12. PotLock celebrates 130+ projects on boarded including profiles for OG projects on NEAR like Keypom, Multicall, Learn NEAR Watch Bot, NEARChan, Fast NEAR.

  13. Nada.bot live in production with social check out. More checks roll out for Users to verify humanness.bo

  14. Lens Profile verification

  15. Twitter Verification

  16. Connected to 5 Contracts

  17. Farcaster Profile verification

  18. Complete NEAR Social Profile

  19. Holonym ZK ID (Unique Government ID)

  20. Holonym ZK ID (Unique Phone)

  21. I-AM-Human

  22. Six month Near account Check

  23. YEAR Of Chef Launches Royalty Payouts Dashboard for Public Goods as part of BOS App

  24. YEAR of Chef adds quadratic funding support to free Mint

  25. EthDenver Potlock Potluck powered by Proof of Vibes at Build DAO HQ is a smash

  26. Ottersec Audits are released

  27. New Public Goods Podcast with Nanhak from Holoynm, video and new shorts (new content to come)

  28. Nada bot introduces first ZK proofs with Holonym government ID integration

  29. Hyperboard inspired dynamic sponsorship board for quadratic funding rounds is live (article soon)

  30. Donor profiles launched. Example

  31. Internal Updates: Revisions being made to nada bot to add custom rules, google auth + telegram auth nadabot stamp support, Starting to build indexer being worked on, and fungible token support on front end. Potlock SDK and refactor for compatibility on BOS from Elliot from build DAO. Potlock Campaigns Currently in Design process and whole app redesign , Start of new Alem framework to speed up Potlock on BOS

  32. Bidding on the masters for the (un)official NEAR soundtrack to EthereumDenver. 100% goes to public goods on NEAR via Potlock

  33. Potlock on Founder Friday by Near Horizon, Wax Near space, MAX Impact episode 429, Guest Cameo Alpha Drop at NEAR at Night EthDenver Recap Twitter Space

  34. Chef’s Corner Twitter Space: Meet The Creative Public Goods Founders & QF -

  35. Chef Corner for Africa Public Goods

  36. Potlock Tutorial Videos Playlist with updated documentation

  37. Donate directly to a project #Potlock

  38. Create referral link to your favorite public goods on Potlock

  39. Create a project on Potlock

  40. Deploy a Pot (Quadratic Funding Round) on #Near

  41. How to apply to a Pot (Get added to Potlock registry)

  42. Sponsor a Quadratic Funding on #Near #Potlock

  43. Approving/Rejecting Quadratic Funding (Pot) Applications as A Chef/Owner or Admin on #Potlock #Near

  44. Verifying a check on #NadaBot Complete Near Social Profile

  45. Create + Edit Profile + Apply to Pot as a DAO

  46. Introducing Random donations on Potlock

  47. Potlock: Initiating Payouts As Chef / Start Cooldown Period

  48. Track Wallet + Contracts on #NEAR via Telegram

  49. Sync Twitter with Web3 Social

Stats Updates

  • Nadabot: 599 Checks Completed and 204 Humans Verified
  • YEAR of CHEF: 462 Holders, 1.92 holders
  • 142 Approved Public Goods on Potlock
  • Potlock: Direct Donations Only: 1816 Total Donations,$23,458, 778 Unique Donors

Working on indexer to get better amounts based on price at donation and also quadratic funding amounts

Public Goods Ecosystem Update

What a time to be a regen.

:heart:Love the Potlock Family


You guys are doing an amazing job :heart:

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We, DAO Ashe , are one of the 25 creative projects that got funded via the Creatives QF in Potlock It has been an incredible experience. From having nil in funding to over 500$NEAR It’s truly amazing to be able to further our funding base and be part of the Potlock ecosystem and Year of Chef. Thank you so much, Potlock :clap:t5: :clap:t5: :clap:t5:

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