OWC DEMO DAY (Batch II) - 10 Projects You Should Know (OR Invest In)!

While some Demo Days are private, OWC opens its event to the entire ecosystem: the community, investors, and builders.

The hope is that by showcasing what our amazing entrepreneurs have achieved in a few short months, will encourage other exceptional individuals to take the plunge and launch their own projects too, creating a stronger, more vibrant industry and community.

Join us for:

:studio_microphone: Clubhouse Talk moderated by OWC VCs & Mentors

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Pitch Decks & Prediction Markets on Flux (recently launched on mainnet Q1’20)

:currency_exchange: Remarks from 1.inch Exchange (OWC Batch I alumni)

:globe_with_meridians: An update from @illia on NEAR and path to Open Web, and more!

It could be a really good opportunity to offer up your expertise to projects that align with your interests or background, or perhaps find a project to angel invest in! :angel:
