New KPIs from HoM

Hi everyone!

We’ve received the KPIs from HoM.

  1. Accounts retention after 1/2/4/8 weeks - the percentage of accounts who continue interacting on chain over a given time period (higher is better)

  2. Account acquisition cost - budget divided by the number of accounts interacting through the funded initiative (lower is better)

  3. Median number of dApps used by P95 accounts retained for 1+ week (higher is better)

  4. Number of accounts retained for
    1+ week using at least three dApps (higher is better)

  5. Social engagement score - some compound metric of a number of posts, likes, and followers / views in social media produced by the users.

DAOs that have submitted proposals for October, and going forward, please mention these details in your proposal.

Please add a section to your existing October proposal on the forum and mention the numbers asked for.

If you have questions or confusion we will discuss these today in the community call along with the refund for flight tickets from members who haven’t returned the funds yet.

See you guys on the community call.


Hey everyone! These KPIs from HoM are important metrics to track, and they can help us evaluate our progress and impact. If you’re submitting a proposal for October, make sure to include the relevant information about accounts retention, acquisition cost, dApps usage, and social engagement.


Thanks for the clarification

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Can you share a complete list of what sites / dapps count towards on-chain activity?

How do communities/DAOs prove that certain wallets/accounts are theirs?


Love it, thanks for sharing. Looking forward to clarity around Accounts Retention etc. Also, which community call were you referring to?


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Any dapps built on NEAR.

By providing data for from near blocks or pikespeak what we works.

@Dacha - any other suggestion?

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Creatives DAO has community calls every Monday at 4pm UTC on the telegram chat group. Join if you’re free next time!