Project title: NCD bootcamps - NEAR Hispano and Blockchain Academy. NEAR Certified Professor bootcamp at Universidad de Arteaga, Support SOAL learning platform and working on a Syllabus proposal for Mexican Universities.
One-liner: NCD bootcamps - NEAR Hispano 6th edition, NEAR Certified Professor bootcamp and launching an NCD bootcamp by Blockchain Academy. Support for SOAL project and coordinate the Syllabus documentation for Universities in Mexico to adopt the NEAR University initiatives.
Project DAO: NEAR Hispano SputnikDAO
Series: Onboarding NEAR Certified Developer bootcamp participants & Onboarding Universities to NEAR Education. Support learning platforms that will be launching on NEAR blockchain.
Project members
- Claudio Cossio
Payout month: 2021-11-01T06:00:00Z → 2021-11-30T06:00:00Z
NEAR target accounts: NEAR Hispano DAO
Payout request: 3000 USDC
Support the 6th NCD bootcamp in NEAR Hispano
From September 27th to October 1st, the second NCD Bootcamp in Spanish was launched with a NEAR Certified Instructor from NEAR Hispano Guild
- 43 developers enrolled in the bootcamp
- 16 people on average on the NCD bootcamp
- 40 NEAR Wallets created
Playlist from Day 1 to 5
Support the 1st NEAR Certified Professor (NCP) bootcamp in NEAR Hispano
From October 11th to October 15th, the first NCP Bootcamp in NEAR University was launched with a NEAR Certified Instructor from NEAR Hispano Guild.
- 11 professors enrolled in the bootcamp
- 11 professors participated in five day’s of training
- 11 NEAR Wallets created
Playlist from Day 1 to 5
Translation of the Nomicon site
Status: In progress
Onboarding the University of Zacatecas to start translation on November 8th.
Onboard SOAL learning platform
Status: Work in Progress
Coordinate a pilot with the NEAR Hispano Guild, so
Syllabus for other Guilds or Universities to launch the NCD bootcamp in their region
We have documented the daily activities of the bootcamp in order to create historical information on how the program is evolving.
We are working with two teachers in Mexico, to help us create the framework for implementing bootcamps in different formats.
The first delivery of the Syllabus:
Partnership with Blockchain Academy Mexico
On November 1st to the 5th the first privately run NEAR Certified Developer bootcamp will be hosted by Blockchain Academy.
More information to be shared in a follow up post.
Preliminary results:
- 120 registrations for the bootcamp