### Summary
A standard interface for a multi token standard that supports fung…ible, semi-fungible, and tokens of any type, allowing for ownership, transfer, and batch transfer of tokens generally regardless of specific type. This standard aims to make it possible to represent these multi tokens in a way that allows these tokens to be represented across chains.
### Motivation
Having a single contract represent both NFTs and FTs can greatly improve efficiency as demonstrated by Enjin Coin. The ability to make batch requests with multiple asset classes can reduce a many transactions, transaction to a single transaction to trade around both NFTs and FTs that are a part of same token contract. Moreover, this flexibility has led to building proper infrastructure for ecosystems, that often have to issue many tokens under management such as games.
Finally on other chains, such as Ethereum it would be nice to be able to bridge a token contract from near to ETH or to other chains. Having a multi token standard that can represent many different classes of tokens is highly desirable
### Background
- Current NEP PR:
- PR #245
- Prior art:
- EIP-1155 : https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/1155
- This NEP derives some examples and format from: https://github.com/near/NEPs/pull/21
- Example of an NFT Series: https://github.com/near-apps/gnr8
- Things from the NFT Discussions: https://github.com/near/NEPs/discussions/171
- Things from the NFT Discussions: https://gov.near.org/t/nft-standard-discussion/853
- Discussions out of band:
- https://gov.near.org/t/multi-token-standard-discussion/2917
- https://github.com/shipsgold/multi-token-standard-impl/tree/main/meetings
- WIP/impl:
- https://github.com/shipsgold/multi-token-standard-impl/tree/feat/initial-token
- https://github.com/shipsgold/multi-token-standard-impl/pull/1
### Core Trait
pub trait MultiTokenCore {
/// Basic token transfer. Transfer a token or tokens given a token_id. The token id can correspond to
/// either a NonFungibleToken or Fungible Token this is differeniated by the implementation.
/// Requirements
/// * Caller of the method must attach a deposit of 1 yoctoⓃ for security purposes
/// * Contract MUST panic if called by someone other than token owner or,
/// * If using Approval Management, contract MUST nullify approved accounts on
/// successful transfer.
/// * TODO: needed? Both accounts must be registered with the contract for transfer to
/// succeed. See see https://nomicon.io/Standards/StorageManagement.html
/// Arguments:
/// * `receiver_id`: the valid NEAR account receiving the token
/// * `token_id`: the token or tokens to transfer
/// * `amount`: the token amount of tokens to transfer for token_id
/// * `memo` (optional): for use cases that may benefit from indexing or
/// providing information for a transfer
fn mt_transfer(
&mut self,
receiver_id: AccountId,
token_id: TokenId,
amount: U128,
memo: Option<String>,
/// Transfer token/s and call a method on a receiver contract. A successful
/// workflow will end in a success execution outcome to the callback on the MultiToken
/// contract at the method `mt_resolve_transfer`.
/// You can think of this as being similar to attaching tokens to a
/// function call. It allows you to attach any Fungible or Non Fungible Token in a call to a
/// receiver contract.
/// Requirements:
/// * Caller of the method must attach a deposit of 1 yoctoⓃ for security
/// purposes
/// * Contract MUST panic if called by someone other than token owner or,
/// if using Approval Management, one of the approved accounts
/// * The receiving contract must implement `mt_on_transfer` according to the
/// standard. If it does not, MultiToken contract's `mt_resolve_transfer` MUST deal
/// with the resulting failed cross-contract call and roll back the transfer.
/// * Contract MUST implement the behavior described in `mt_resolve_transfer`
/// Arguments:
/// * `receiver_id`: the valid NEAR account receiving the token.
/// * `token_id`: the token to send.
/// * `amount`: amount of tokens to transfer for token_id
/// * `memo` (optional): for use cases that may benefit from indexing or
/// providing information for a transfer.
/// * `msg`: specifies information needed by the receiving contract in
/// order to properly handle the transfer. Can indicate both a function to
/// call and the parameters to pass to that function.
fn mt_transfer_call(
&mut self,
receiver_id: AccountId,
token_id: TokenId,
amount: U128,
memo: Option<String>,
msg: String,
) -> PromiseOrValue<U128>;
/// Batch token transfer. Transfer a tokens given token_ids and amounts. The token ids can correspond to
/// either Non-Fungible Tokens or Fungible Tokens or some combination of the two. The token ids
/// are used to segment the types on a per contract implementation basis.
/// Requirements
/// * Caller of the method must attach a deposit of 1 yoctoⓃ for security purposes
/// * Contract MUST panic if called by someone other than token owner or,
/// if using Approval Management, one of the approved accounts
/// * `approval_id` is for use with Approval Management,
/// see https://nomicon.io/Standards/NonFungibleToken/ApprovalManagement.html
/// * If using Approval Management, contract MUST nullify approved accounts on
/// successful transfer.
/// * TODO: needed? Both accounts must be registered with the contract for transfer to
/// succeed. See see https://nomicon.io/Standards/StorageManagement.html
/// * The token_ids vec and amounts vec must be of equal length and equate to a 1-1 mapping
/// between amount and id. In the event that they do not line up the call should fail
/// Arguments:
/// * `receiver_id`: the valid NEAR account receiving the token
/// * `token_ids`: the tokens to transfer
/// * `amounts`: the amount of tokens to transfer for corresponding token_id
/// * `approval_ids`: expected approval ID. A number smaller than
/// 2^53, and therefore representable as JSON. See Approval Management
/// standard for full explanation. Must have same length as token_ids
/// * `memo` (optional): for use cases that may benefit from indexing or
/// providing information for a transfer
fn mt_batch_transfer(
&mut self,
receiver_id: AccountId,
token_ids: Vec<TokenId>,
amounts: Vec<U128>,
memo: Option<String>,
/// Batch transfer token/s and call a method on a receiver contract. A successful
/// workflow will end in a success execution outcome to the callback on the MultiToken
/// contract at the method `mt_resolve_batch_transfer`.
/// You can think of this as being similar to attaching tokens to a
/// function call. It allows you to attach any Fungible or Non Fungible Token in a call to a
/// receiver contract.
/// Requirements:
/// * Caller of the method must attach a deposit of 1 yoctoⓃ for security
/// purposes
/// * Contract MUST panic if called by someone other than token owner or,
/// if using Approval Management, one of the approved accounts
/// * The receiving contract must implement `mt_on_transfer` according to the
/// standard. If it does not, MultiToken contract's `mt_resolve_batch_transfer` MUST deal
/// with the resulting failed cross-contract call and roll back the transfer.
/// * Contract MUST implement the behavior described in `mt_resolve_batch_transfer`
/// * `approval_id` is for use with Approval Management extension, see
/// that document for full explanation.
/// * If using Approval Management, contract MUST nullify approved accounts on
/// successful transfer.
/// Arguments:
/// * `receiver_id`: the valid NEAR account receiving the token.
/// * `token_ids`: the tokens to transfer
/// * `amounts`: the amount of tokens to transfer for corresponding token_id
/// * `approval_ids`: expected approval IDs. A number smaller than
/// 2^53, and therefore representable as JSON. See Approval Management
/// standard for full explanation. Must have same length as token_ids
/// * `memo` (optional): for use cases that may benefit from indexing or
/// providing information for a transfer.
/// * `msg`: specifies information needed by the receiving contract in
/// order to properly handle the transfer. Can indicate both a function to
/// call and the parameters to pass to that function.
fn mt_batch_transfer_call(
&mut self,
receiver_id: AccountId,
token_ids: Vec<TokenId>,
amounts: Vec<U128>,
memo: Option<String>,
msg: String,
) -> PromiseOrValue<Vec<U128>>;
/// Get the balance of an an account given token_id. For fungible token returns back amount, for
/// non fungible token it returns back constant 1.
fn balance_of(&self, owner_id: AccountId, token_id: TokenId) -> U128;
/// Get the balances of an an account given token_ids. For fungible token returns back amount, for
/// non fungible token it returns back constant 1. returns vector of balances corresponding to token_ids
/// in a 1-1 mapping
fn balance_of_batch(&self, owner_id: AccountId, token_ids: Vec<TokenId>) -> Vec<U128>;
/// Returns the total supply of the token in a decimal string representation given token_id.
fn total_supply(&self, token_id: TokenId) -> U128;
// Returns the total supplies of the tokens given by token_ids in a decimal string representation.
fn total_supply_batch(&self, token_ids: Vec<TokenId>) -> Vec<U128>;
### Receiver Trait
#### Notes
- TokenId is of type String
pub trait MultiTokenReceiver {
/// Take some action after receiving a MultiToken-tokens token
/// Requirements:
/// * Contract MUST restrict calls to this function to a set of whitelisted MultiToken
/// contracts
/// Arguments:
/// * `sender_id`: the sender of `mt_transfer_call`
/// * `previous_owner_id`: the account that owned the tokens prior to it being
/// transferred to this contract, which can differ from `sender_id` if using
/// Approval Management extension
/// * `token_ids`: the `token_ids` argument given to `mt_transfer_call`
/// * `msg`: information necessary for this contract to know how to process the
/// request. This may include method names and/or arguments.
/// Returns true if tokens should be returned to `sender_id`
fn mt_on_transfer(
&mut self,
sender_id: AccountId,
token_ids: Vec<TokenId>,
amounts: Vec<U128>,
msg: String,
) -> PromiseOrValue<Vec<U128>>;
### Resolver Trait
#### Notes
- TokenId is of type String
/// Used when MultiTokens are transferred using `mt_transfer_call`. This is the method that's called after `mt_on_transfer`. This trait is implemented on the MultiToken contract.
pub trait MultiTokenResolver {
/// Finalize an `mt_transfer_call` chain of cross-contract calls.
/// The `mt_transfer_call` process:
/// 1. Sender calls `mt_transfer_call` on MultiToken contract
/// 2. MultiToken contract transfers token from sender to receiver
/// 3. MultiToken contract calls `mt_on_transfer` on receiver contract
/// 4+. [receiver contract may make other cross-contract calls]
/// N. MultiToken contract resolves promise chain with `mt_resolve_transfer`, and may
/// transfer token back to sender
/// Requirements:
/// * Contract MUST forbid calls to this function by any account except self
/// * If promise chain failed, contract MUST revert token transfer
/// * If promise chain resolves with `true`, contract MUST return token to
/// `sender_id`
/// Arguments:
/// * `previous_owner_id`: the owner prior to the call to `mt_transfer_call`
/// * `receiver_id`: the `receiver_id` argument given to `mt_transfer_call`
/// * `token_ids`: the `token_ids` argument given to `mt_transfer_call`
/// * `approvals`: if using Approval Management, contract MUST provide
/// set of original approved accounts in this argument, and restore these
/// approved accounts in case of revert. In this case it may be multiple sets of approvals
/// Returns true if tokens were successfully transferred to `receiver_id`.
fn mt_resolve_transfer(
&mut self,
sender_id: AccountId,
receiver_id: AccountId,
token_ids: Vec<TokenId>,
amounts: Vec<U128>,
) -> Vec<U128>;
### Storage Management Trait
#### Notes
This is semi necessary for ft token types to be able to refund users for storage of many different token types like gold/silver... this might be slightly out of scope
pub trait StorageManagement {
// if `registration_only=true` MUST refund above the minimum balance if the account didn't exist and
// refund full deposit if the account exists.
fn storage_deposit(
&mut self,
token_ids: Vec<TokenId>,
account_id: Option<AccountId>,
registration_only: Option<bool>,
) -> StorageBalance;
/// Withdraw specified amount of available Ⓝ for predecessor account.
/// This method is safe to call. It MUST NOT remove data.
/// `amount` is sent as a string representing an unsigned 128-bit integer. If
/// omitted, contract MUST refund full `available` balance. If `amount` exceeds
/// predecessor account's available balance, contract MUST panic.
/// If predecessor account not registered, contract MUST panic.
/// MUST require exactly 1 yoctoNEAR attached balance to prevent restricted
/// function-call access-key call (UX wallet security)
/// Returns the StorageBalance structure showing updated balances.
fn storage_withdraw(&mut self, token_ids:Vec<TokenId>, amount: Option<U128>) -> StorageBalance;
/// Unregisters the predecessor account and returns the storage NEAR deposit back.
/// If the predecessor account is not registered, the function MUST return `false` without panic.
/// If `force=true` the function SHOULD ignore account balances (burn them) and close the account.
/// Otherwise, MUST panic if caller has a positive registered balance (eg token holdings) or
/// the contract doesn't support force unregistration.
/// MUST require exactly 1 yoctoNEAR attached balance to prevent restricted function-call access-key call
/// (UX wallet security)
/// Returns `true` iff the account was unregistered.
/// Returns `false` iff account was not registered before.
fn storage_unregister(&mut self, token_ids:Vec<TokenId>, force: Option<bool>) -> Vec<bool>;
fn storage_balance_bounds(&self, token_id:TokenId, account_id: Option<AccountId>) -> StorageBalanceBounds;
fn storage_balance_bounds_batch(&self, token_id:Vec<TokenId>, account_id: Option<AccountId>) -> StorageBalanceBounds;
fn storage_balance_of(&self, token_id:TokenId, account_id: AccountId) -> Option<StorageBalance>;
fn storage_balance_of_batch(&self, token_ids:Vec<TokenId>, account_id: AccountId) -> Option<StorageBalance>;
### Metadata Trait
pub struct MultiTokenMetadata {
pub spec: String, // required, essentially a version like "mt-1.0.0"
pub name: String, // required, ex. "Mosaics"
pub symbol: String, // required, ex. "MOSIAC"
pub icon: Option<String>, // Data URL
pub base_uri: Option<String>, // Centralized gateway known to have reliable access to decentralized storage assets referenced by `reference` or `media` URLs
// supports metadata_uri interface that interpolates {id} in the string
pub reference: Option<String>, // URL to a JSON file with more info
pub reference_hash: Option<Base64VecU8>, // Base64-encoded sha256 hash of JSON from reference field. Required if `reference` is included.
pub struct MultiTokenExtraMetadata {
pub title: Option<String>, // ex. "Arch Nemesis: Mail Carrier" or "Parcel #5055"
pub description: Option<String>, // free-form description
pub media: Option<String>, // URL to associated media, preferably to decentralized, content-addressed storage
pub media_hash: Option<Base64VecU8>, // Base64-encoded sha256 hash of content referenced by the `media` field. Required if `media` is included.
pub copies: Option<u64>, // number of copies of this set of metadata in existence when token was minted.
pub issued_at: Option<String>, // ISO 8601 datetime when token was issued or minted
pub expires_at: Option<String>, // ISO 8601 datetime when token expires
pub starts_at: Option<String>, // ISO 8601 datetime when token starts being valid
pub updated_at: Option<String>, // ISO 8601 datetime when token was last updated
pub extra: Option<String>, // anything extra the NFT wants to store on-chain. Can be stringified JSON.
pub reference: Option<String>, // URL to an off-chain JSON file with more info.
pub reference_hash: Option<Base64VecU8>, // Base64-encoded sha256 hash of JSON from reference field. Required if `reference` is included.
/// Offers details on the metadata.
pub trait MultiTokenMetadataProvider {
fn mt_metadata(&self, token_id: TokenId) -> MultiTokenMetadata;
fn mt_extra_metadata(&self, token_id: TokenId) -> MultiTokenMetadataExtra;
PR #245