Monthly Report of CCM Conference (China) August 30 – 2021

Association name: Chinese Community Management Team

What we did in August:

  1. Due to the severe flooding in Henan Province of China, NEAR Chinese community launched the Chinese charity DAO.
  2. At 8:00 PM on August 20th, Beijing time, NEAR official management group held a meeting, in which we actively communicated with each other for the purpose of better managing the community.
  3. Ecological Octopus Network IDO on NEAR was launched in Skyward Finance with high community participation.
  4. After we publicized the ecological OPGames on NEAR, the community is looking forward to its launch as soon as possible, and the game board is very popular in the community.
  5. We made the pledge process of Meta Pool. The community was very surprised by the profits of the Pool, and the participation and discussion were very hot.
  6. We made Sushi mining text tutorial, and many fans participated in Sushi mining NEAR Token.

Recruit more Near fans to join us and maintain the order and atmosphere of the community.