May monthly report from Xiangming CHEN(China)——明明月度报告




The previous monthly report was not written

**Guild Name:


Monthly Highlights:

1、1 Video Content:1 keynote speech+round table(1场视频直播,主题演讲+圆桌)

2、6 articles(6篇文章)

3、Social group(朋友圈、社群转发)

Click to view(点击查看)

一、Video Content: (Please insert links)


A video live activity support, including a keynote speech session and round table discussion, with a total of 41755 Views:

二、Blog Post:(Please insert links)

  1. 三分钟读懂 NEAR 刚刚上线的 EVM 兼容链 Aurora
  2. 一份关于创建NEAR钱包和质押NEAR的详细教程
  3. 以太坊2.0前夜,NEAR的彩虹桥在下一盘怎样的大棋?
  4. 一文盘点 Layer2 层的代表性侧链 Polygon、Celer Network、Near(阅读297)
  5. 盘点NEAR生态DeFi应用
  6. 彩虹桥只是开始,NEAR将开启无限可能(阅读1206)

三、Social Media Management and Analytics (Telegram/ Twitter/ Reddit/ Wechat):
(Please link your social media handle and a screenshot of the monthly statistics)!

Hi @mingming789 , can you re-share the link for Social Media reports? Thanks! We’re currently going through the rewards right now so we’d love to get this ASAP and sync with you sometime next week! :slight_smile:

Sorry for the late reply

Included in the link above