Key Ecosystem Metrics and Analytics Weekly Updates Apr 19

Time: Apr 11 - Apr 18

:chains: NEAR Explorer Stats

:bar_chart: NEAR Ecosystem Scoreboard

If you don’t have the access to the dashboard or reports, or have any questions would like to discuss, please feel free to contact Tiffany(

What happened?

Monthly Active Developer — MAD

MAD Internal (based on CLI data in the last 30 days)

Our monthly active developer number increased from Monday to 604 the highest point and decreased gradually from Thursday and returned to ~560. This is likely because of the change in weekends and weekdays, and this is our second week with this trend, indicating that our developer activities become more stable.

Daily Active Developer (External)

We experienced an increase to 30+ highest point last week, similar to previous weeks.

Ecosystem Scoreboard

Note: The percentages next to the numbers are the comparisons to pervious week(7 days ago), with green showing increase and red showing decrease.

Monthly Active Developer(External): 121 → 124 (+2.5%)

Key Efforts Last week

Many of these are key contributing factors to the data changes last week


  • Ref-finance launch

Apr 12

  • Arroz Estúdios and Createbase partnership

Apr 13-14

Apr 15

  • NEAR account hit 100,000

Apr 16

  • NEAR twitter follower hit 50,000
  • NEAR has been awarded Climate Neutral Product Label by @southpoleglobal

I know this might not be the full list, so please feel free to add more amazing things here.

Top Line Metrics Dive

Daily New Developers

From CLI

New developers on CLI reached the highest point on April 14th last week, most likely because of the combined effect of new dapps launch on NEAR, ref-finance launch and OWC Demo Day.

Weekly Active Developer Internal & Weekly Active Dev-deploy/Deploy

From CLI data in the last 30 days

The ration of Weekly Active Dev-deploy/Deploy and Weekly Active Developer continued to decrease, which shows that a lot of developers are using bridge instead of developing their dapps. We will add more CLI/api.js usage data to keep track such behaviors.

Daily New Accounts (last 30 days)

Daily New account increased to the highest point last week on April 13th, 7036. This was most likely because of Pulse’s participation and campaign during OWC, Paras giveaway event and the launch of ref-finance.

Daily Number of Transaction (last 30 days)

The daily number of transaction increased hugely last week and reach its highest point on April 14th, 64587. Combined with daily number of new accounts, we can see that after users created their accounts, they continued to interact with our ecosystem on April 14th, thus resulting in this continued increase from 13th to 14th. This is a positive sign of engagement.

Daily Transaction Volume (last 30 days)

Looking at transactions from token volume, the highest point was April 12th and we also had another spike on April 16th.

Bridge Top Line Metrics

Comparisons from last week:

Total Liquidity Hold: $461,188 to $540,345 (+17.16%)

Total Transactions Count: 249 to 317 (+27.3%)

We are having a steady growth in bridge use in terms of total liquidity hold and transaction numbers. We can also see an increase in number of tokens, and we also have steady usage every day.

Main Contracts Engagements (last 30 days)

From top to bottom are: BerryClub+BerryFarm+BerryCard, Flux, Paras.

Flux experienced a huge increase on April 13th, most likely because of the pulse campaign during OWC. Paras experienced a huge increase starting from April 17th and continued to 18th, most likely from their giveaway campaign.


Thank you for the update Tiffany

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