Project title: Identicon
Proposal: Identicon Verification Protocol
Project Summary
Identicon is a trustless protocol for identity verification in the NEAR network, focused on providing multiple signed verifications of a real world entity and binding it to one (or more) digital identities, and independent of the form these digital identities may take (NFT, DID, etc). It is not an identity vault or a repo for unique identity.
Is based on a set of decentralized and random selection of human nodes (citizens) which will produce the “on-site” verification of the solicited identity, proof of life or proof of existence.
Series: Onboarding NEAR Certified Developer bootcamp participants to Developers in Residence program
Team involved in development:
Leandro Manzanal - @leamanza
Mario Zito - @mariozito
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano. @Cristian
Periods and Results
[May 2022 Monthly Report] Identicon Verification Protocol (May 16 - June 03 - 2022
[June 2022 Monthly Report] Identicon Verification Protocol (June 04 - July 03 - 2022)
July 1/2022
→July 31/2022
This last month we completed our objectives for the project:
Finished App (Frontend),
Finished all API (Gateway) endpoints
Finished Verified Credential Contract
Finished Verifications/Validation Contract
Finished Documents site
The app is already delivered to Tesnet and to our production server under the domain
App (Fe de vida):
Verifications Contract:
Credentials Contract:
While there remains some minor bugs and improvements we can say that we have reached a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), and are ready to take Identicon to the next phase.
Next phase will be:
Make improvements and fix bugs
Create the Identicon DAO
Deploy to Mainnet
Create a community around the project
Secure funding so we can involve more people
Recruit and involve validators
Start validating real people.
Detailed work:
@leamanza worked mainly on consolidating up the frontend project and structure, Request Verification form page and PersonalData form, VerifiableCredential contract (NFT), and in creating and presenting the obtained credentials:
Update credential card
Credential Metadata - display identicon
Create random credential identicon
Add test identicon file creation and submito to
Create identicon and mint credential
Credential update receiver id and extra subj info
Mint_credential after verification approved
Merging and testing build
Request verification endpoint
First home page
Api error handling
Added axio interceptor - auth requests - logout
Main app - signup + login + update account
Fix API account on update
@mariozito worked mainly on the frontend (pages, forms, content and styling), on completing the Tasks Model and Gateway endpoints, and on the documentations site:
Complete Home page content, images and styling
Prepare deployment to production server
Add export and deploy to server
Add for account type in Signup
Add alert for incomplete personal data
Hide Actionbar request button if no subject_id
Delete replaced index.tsx file
Add .page in to request-verification to be recognized as route
Fix icon cenetring in ListItem
Fix hero header color
Fix query id in /verifications
Improve Hero section and call Signup and Login from different buttons
Add remarks field to task on GET
Add preview mode for report validation result, refactor alerts and add validation instructions
Add state notice to Verification preview
Use short description for state in lists
Refactor dashboard and verification preview with ListItem. Normalize Section panels/headings
Fix styling ov Verification preview
Add colors to state icons
Add logo to header
Refactor validators list in preview
Refactor Verification preview and add loading states
Add spinners for loading components
Add full_name to requesetr in getVerification
Add validations section to Verification preview
Fix error in Verification service and controller
Add Icons for verification and task states
Show pending and completed tasks in Validator dashboard
Update Task and VerificationRequest from report of validation result, change Verification state and result is already completed
Return the modified VerificationRequest after the report_validation_result
Fix styling, build smaller components, add toast to sending
Add Tasks routes, controllers, service and model
Add tasks list for validator and page to report validation results incluing gets/puts to Gateway. Fix some stylings
Add TaskStates to model definitions
Fix bad subject_id in personal_info
Add Tasks model and many states and types in model/definitions
Fix gitignore for sqbpro files
Save testing database
Use request_uid as task id for given validator
Fill validator dashboard with assigned tasks
Add tasks assigend route to Gateway API
Add order param in contract get_assigned_validations
Add script for updating validators testset
Add state change when creating Verification
Add reset_all to contract for full init of state
Change assign_validators contract api to return the selected ones
Change assign_validators contract api to retuen the selected ones
Make contract get_verification and cancel_verification public
Assign validators when requesting new verification
Fix contract call for assign_validators
Fix PersonalInfo for Requester accounts
Add can_do to validators PersonalInfo model
Change personal info and ActionBar if validator account
Select validators using country and language and update with personal data test set
Update features and use lang so we can filter validators by country and lang
Fix personal info form and create subject_id from dni and country
Fix initial created account balance to 1 NEAR
Remove debug code form near.service
Show verification page, improve styling, refactorr pages and componentes, separate headers for differente pages
Add verifications list to dashboard and only display user dashboard when logged
Fix account creation and signing contract problems calls caused by bad char in InitialBalace
Add create-account test for creating different types of accounts and gen auth token
Create subject_id from country and dni when request_verification
Create validator account for testing
Add /verifications api tests
Add PUT /verifications/:uid to API
Update and refactor verifications service
Add testdb to repo
Update subject and refactor subjects service
Add GET /verifications/:uid to API
Refactor API verifications endpoint
Improve error response in controllers
Add get verifications controller, service, helpers, params validators and tests to API
Fixed header auto width in UI to match Leandro’s template
Add to verifications API the controller, service, contract call and tests, and fixes to model
Fix encoding and decoding encrypted account keys
Add validation middleware for verifications API
Add subject service to API impl
Fix verifications route an other minor formatting
Add the token payload to the req obj
Add frontend prototype for Landing, Onboarding and Request Verification
Extend the theme, add hero section, and starters section and images
Change random lib to near_rng
Add API test for account
Finished Maz/contract refactor