[Hackathon_may] VR experience through purposeful NFTs to help animal adoption

Project title: VR experience through purposeful NFTs to help animal adoption

One-liner: Using VR and purposeful NFTs to support animal adoption & shelters

Project DAO: VR-dao

Challenge area: “Propose your own challenge”.
Team members: tabear.near

I would love to see NFTs that include more than guaranteeing ownership.

Combined with a VR experience a great use of them could be in the physical world in order to help rehoming shelter dogs.

Instead of having simple photos of the dogs on display, VR experiences could be used as a way to show the character of each dog, what they do on a daily basis, follow them when taking walks, their background story and needs and how and and when they arrived in the shelter. You will then be able to experience the full character of the dog through VR prior to the adoption.

Instead of having a virtual gallery, a shelter could have its own online presence and each dog would have its own NFT which also includes the vet pass and the virtual experience. By seeing the VR experience, the possible future owner will already have an impression of what the dog is like, create an emotional connection and can estimate if it would be the right fit. Especially for adoptions of dogs from a different country this would be a huge help.

The NFT would be bought via the offer system and serve as an entry to the shelter. In case an adoption takes place, the NFT and the virtual experience stays with the new owner and can even be edited so that new experiences can be added.

In the case that the adoption does not go through successfully, the NFT would be sent back to the shelter so that new visitors can purchase it. Or several NFTs per dog would be minted so that each visitor can donate separately and get the chance to get to know the animal.

Through the possibility of the split forever royalties one part would go directly to the shelter to support the work and one to the previous foster home for example (if applicable).