[Hackathon_may] ArtyBid: Virtual platform to hold NFTs auctions

Goal: create a platform for selling NFTs (ArtyBid) on auctions with VR experience.

Inspiration: I was inspired a lot by Decentraland, particularly, virtual exhibitions which were hosted there. As well, I do like this Mozilla hub with cool arty VR experience the same as you visit the virtual museum, so I thought it might be interesting to create a platform where auction houses can hold various auctions selling NFTs and Art Dealers, Private Collectors and Artists can meet each other, have some networking and finally sell/buy NFTs which they can explore on this platform in VR format, like attending virtual museums.

Project Summary:
Target audience:

  • Auction houses
  • Art Dealers
  • Private Collectors
  • Artists
    All these personas have to register on the ArtyBid, run KYC and connect their crypto wallets. If it’s possible, it would be good to have an integration with Mintbase where artists can mint their tokens and send them to auction houses on ArtyBid. Auction houses will prepare the event and present bids in a virtual room where Art Dealers and Private Collectors can view all NFTs like in the virtual museum and place bets. Before the start of the auction, the artists can hold a presentation and tell about themselves and their works a bit and chat with future buyers.

This way to hold auctions can be demanded in the post-covid world and can bring to buying artworks process some interactivity, entertainment and gamification by creating a unique experience.
