GWG [RC-DAO Update]

Hello NEAR community!

Greetings to everyone here that has been contributing in one way or the other in making NEAR great.

While on course to see how Regional communities can receive funding to carry out their significant impact that has been halted, the RC-DAO is the proposed structure to ensure we get things right again.

[COMMUNITY FEEDBACK] Regional Community DAO Was the first Community Feedback required. Sequel to the meeting held yesterday 23rd, March 2023 with the recording [Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing - Zoom]., Profile - jlwaugh - NEAR Forum, and Profile - Ola - NEAR Forum stepped up to create a strategy that will guide the selection of the first RC-DAO council members. However, the entire community shall be involved in selecting the council members.

Community members interested in starting regional communities in their countries or region is to fill out this form for proper documentation.

The draft proposal has implemented all feedback collected from the second post [[COMMUNITY FEEDBACK] Regional Community DAO v2.0 ].

Community members are advised to give their comments and suggestions as we improve NEAR. Don’t forget to join the telegram group for brainstorming. Telegram: Join Group Chat

What should be the compensation for RC-DAO council members, and should it be a definite rate or bounty based?

  • $1000
  • $1500
  • $2000
  • Let it be based on work rate to be voted by community members if its fit.

0 voters

Thanks to you all for being here and contributing to making NDC great.



Hi! Have all the communities that contributed to the development of NEAR and the increase in the number of users been counted? do you suggest that all communities fill out this form or just new ones? Thanks

It’s our community: was found 2020, can check here and forum reports:


You should fill the form for proper documentstion.


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Thanks @IgbozeIsrael for the updates. Can you also share the password for the meeting recording? Would love to give it a watch. Cheers.

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You are welcome!

Let me speak with Sofia about the password. She helps to set meetings for us

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hello everyone!

Thanks for the invite.