Brief Summary
- Three people from Core team are attending ICPC world finals this week;
- Core team merged a PR that prepares the transition between the last non-sharded block and the first sharded block. Exciting!
- Testnet 1.22.0 release is coming on Oct 18;
New Joiners
- John Smith became NEAR Inc CISO;
- Marcin Michalski joined the Core team;
- Yordan Madzhunkov also joined the Core team;
- Andy Haynes joined the Wallet team;
- Michael Peter joined the Developer Platform team;
- Marcelo Diop-Gonzalez joined the Node Experience team;
- Core team merged lots of PRs for network, while includes parallelization, de-duplication of messages, and cleanup PRs;
- Core team prepared code for the last block before shard layout kicks-off;
- Node Experience load tested one shard with skyward contracts;
- Developer Platform is testing AVA for JS testing framework. It should give 2x faster tests;
- Developer Platform finished discussing design of identity provider for DevConsole. Join this and other discussions if you have opinion on DevConsole!
- Noded Interfaces is about to publish
Challenges and Blockers
- DevRel is blocked by DevPlatform on reviewing a PR to change NFTs;
- Someone grabbed near names on