[Creatives DAO] - Decentralization review & Meeting

  • Twitter: I don’t use it
  • Telegram: @frnvpr
  • Instagram: I don’t use it
  • Total votes cast: 509
  • Wallet: frnvpr.near

Does anyone know how to check votes from DAOs one no longer is a council in? I have been council @ vr-dao, lx city node, creatives dao.


Good morning everyone,

I am JCB from C1 Guild.

I’ve been involved in the community for about a year. I have a background in audio engineering, production and business development.

IG - @justincburkholder
Twitter - @jcbbeats
Telegram - @JCB_1985

You can have a look at C1’s website at www.c1foundation.io

Council includes myself and @Dedeukwu

Being apart of the NEAR community has been a game changer for me. I have learned a ton, and continue to grow. I’m looking forward to continuing my path in web3.


My Name is SterryO, Im A Multiplatinum Record producer, Musician
Having OVER 100 Million streams on all my produced works, Via Olakira, ZUCHU, LYTA and many other big celebrities in Africa,
I became the Foremost African NFT music producer in April 2021
I dropped my first ever body of work “CREATED CREATOR”
(Album) in July 2021, which was all minted in C1 Guild Store on Mintbase, sold 7 copies from all tracks available, and also available on all streaming platforms. Contributed in C1 Guild Music workshop for 4-5 months in 2021.
Founded #afrostar-guild (Community For Celebrities and Female Creatives) along side with @bgem

Made Musical projects with NxM & Muti, in December 2021

Contributing as a council on #family-dao Founded By @Duchess
Contributing as a council on #scout-dao Founded by @Scouterayo

My links:

Highlighted achievements:

  • Onboarded Celeberities and Influencers into the NEAR blockchain, with the interest of Creating content and minting them on NEAR Platform.
  • NFT Music produced for Debhush announced us and her music career, which led her $10000 record deal signage.
  • More lots of Achievements already in our #afrostar-guild Monthly reports



Hello Near Creatives nice to meet you all

I’m Fábio Soares (Rugemtugem), I work with technology. Living in São Paulo SP Brazil.

this is my website: https://rugemtugem.com.br

I’m an artists with codes

My social links:

Highlights in Almost Creative:

I have 1 proposal made at dao and started in March 2022.

I want to contribute my technology experience at Near Creatives.

@beetlejuice invited me to be part of the dao.



Hi everyone!!

My name is Jose de Segadas.
I am a translator from Brazil, Commercial Director at iGamingBrazil

My passions are strategy games, RPGÂŽs and Heroclix (7 times state champion, 2016 national champion).
When I was younger (I am 48 now), I was into swordplay and martial arts (karate, kung-fu and judo).
I just joined NEAR and my first DAO (Dice DAO).

My links:

Highlighted achievements:
Co-creator of Dice Dao


Hello Creatives! :blush:

How nice of us to create a space for this presentation. First, I apologize for my English - I am learning.

Let’s go: I am Gabriela Abreu, I am Aquarian, Brazilian and a creator of things. I create poetry, have two published books and a poetic podcast with over 80k plays on Spotify. I also produce and present Sarau Delas, a poetry and music event that happens in Portugal and is a success! Besides that, I am a journalist, copywriter, cultural producer and script writer. I am also available for working partnerships, always in my native language, Portuguese.

I met the NEAR ecosystem in October (2021), when I participated in the artistic residency Planta a Palavra, produced by MUTI DAO. Besides being a transforming experience, it opened doors for me to this new universe. As I consider myself an action person, I decided to create the CRIATURA&BERI DAO with a friend and develop my own projects. I have a great contact with many creative people (singers, producers, poets, painters
 we are already a community, so I thought it was a great idea!) and it is very good to be able to think of projects together. It is being a very fun and educational experience to deepen my knowledge about the universe of web3 and crypto world.

My links:
Telegram: @gabiabreusouza
Carteira Near: gabrielaabreu.near
DAO: CRIATURA&BERI https://app.astrodao.com/dao/criaturaberi.sputnik-dao.near



We will work for gender equity and the appreciation of the immigrant, being a mean to promote art made by women, immigrants and/or people who value and spread the Portuguese language in its most varied formats.

You can know more about us here: [introduction] criatura&beri dao

CRIATURA&BERI DAO was created only 1 month ago. So I have few votes: 9.
You can follow us: http://instagram.com/c.r.i.a.t.u.r.a and http://instagram.com/weareberi
This month we will move forward with the creation of the group on telegram and youtube.

We are in the beginning, but with a lot of will and determination to create a lot!


hi there!
it’s johanga.near Lead Council of GoaDAO (#goa-dao ) since Nov-Dec '21, and curator of D-LAYER #united-belarus-dao
Master of social sciences, media and communication program, producer of cultural projects,
solo-mama of 2 young NFT-artists:)
Twitter : https://twitter.com/johanga108
Telegram: @johanga_n
Discord: johanga#2869

votes casted: GoaDAO 102 + CommunityDAO 110 + D-layer 1 (just started on Astro)

had gathered 10 DAOs on participation in NamasteyNFT Metaverse summit (Bangalore, India, May 2022) : KalakendraDAO, NEAR NFT, UniqArt, Naksh marketplace, Graffiti DAO, NEARhub, muti, INA DAO, Metaverse DAO and GoaDAO
Betting on collaborations within the community that create huge potential for great creatives results


Hi, friends. I am a philosopher, professor, nft and traditional artist, and also a metaverse entrepreneur. I am in crypto world since the beginning of 2021, and I found NEAR around october of that year. Metaverse DAO is the only DAO in the Creatives Council from which I am a member. I am also a member from The Philosophers DAO, which is not in the Creatives Council.

  • Twitter: @__Philosopher (there is an underscore in the end that does not appear here)
  • Total votes cast: 249 + XX + YY + ZZ
    → Metaverse DAO 224 + The Philosophers DAO 11 + Community 14 + Gambiarra DAO XX + Writers Guild YY + Spiritual DAO ZZ (not in these last daos anymore)
  • Wallet: thephilosopher.near

Highlighted achievements:

  • Founding member of Metaverse DAO, The Philosophers DAO, Gambiarra DAO, and Writers Guild. Former council member from Spiritual DAO, Writers Guild, and Gambiarra DAO. Member now only from Metaverse DAO and The Philosophers DAO, on Astrodao.
  • Metaverse DAO as a successful case of building and keeping metaverse history: more than 183 historical NFTs minted in our historical store, with interviews with metaverse near people, metaverse events produced by NEAR, and NEAR Metaverse Magazines.
  • Metacoin token creation and development together with the team on Metaverse DAO.
  • Events on metaverse which I organized for Mintbase. Also metaverse events organized for Afrika Burn and for Metaverse DAO itself.
  • The Philosophers DAO as a initial case where we are onboarding PhD Professors and students into NEAR, and producing creative blockchain products from philosophy. Our intention is to bring these professors to NFT community as collectors and minters.
  • Near Alexandria (under construction): a near library on Voxels metaverse for academic and literature books being built by my team under a near grant. If we are allowed, we are going to use the library to officially publish books on NEAR blockchain, with ISBN. We intend to partner with Incubadora DAO, Writers Guild, and The Philosophers DAO.
  • Gambiarra DAO as a successful case of onboarding artists into NEAR community: I left Gambiarra DAO with 170 members in the store (from which 100 were onboarded directly or indirectly by me, whom I also helped to mint NFTs on Mintbase), and more than 10 people in the DAO. I thank here Mintbase DAO, who funded all of these onboardings.
  • Collaborations already happened between (1) Metaverse DAO and VanDAO, Kalakendra DAO, Gambiarra DAO; (2) and between Gambiarra DAO and Mintbase DAO. (3) Metaverse DAO covers with our reporter the events of many DAOs with metaverse activities. (4) Collaborations happening between The Philosophers DAO and Incubadora DAO.

Thanks, please check again :wink:

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Hi creatives, I’m L.

I started this nft tour because of games in mid-2020 and I evolved and experimented with platforms as an artistic movement of disappearance and invisibility. I’ve been at Nearverse since February 5, 2022. I joined FEMINU onboarding and then I’ve been exploring the possibilities of Near beyond the sale of works of art. I use the forum mainly to learn, understand how community processes work, meet people and participate in opportunities such as open call and bounties. During this time I was actively participating in several initiatives. Gambiarra, Nomade Label, INA, Marma J, 3xr, Incubadora, FEMINU, Mintbase, Octopode, Spiritual, The Clan
 Some of the DAOs that I was able to collaborate with in some way although I am not part of any council board.

About me

discord: #aLoca9267
twitter: @lulucool
telegram: @luluca_l
instagram: luluca.ele
links: L | Linktree (with portfolio and CV)


Projects approved for @mutha with Mintbase
[INTRODUCTION] [approved] MUTHA Museu TransgĂȘnero de HistĂłria e Arte]([INTRODUCTION] [approved] MUTHA Museu TransgĂȘnero de HistĂłria e Arte)

[BOUNTY] CLOSED - MUTHA + L (NearFTrans) AO VIVO convidam!


Selected for the INA artist residency
[PROPOSAL] Open Call for an Art Project “We Are Super Heroes” ongoing

Artists Lab IncubadoraDAO

MobiDance 1 e 2
[REPORT] MobiDance
[REPORT] MobiDance2 - DanceDAO

We at MUTHA were in the process of organizing our DAO but we are awaiting the development of new positions on funding and such. I confess I’m still a little confused by this, specifically, since taking very seriously about the function and the real need that a DAO can fulfill in a community.

I remain attentive, nice to meet you all.
And let’s go!


Check out my NEAR stats! luluca_l.near's mainnet activity overview - stats.gallery

Luciana Colvara Bachilli (Pelotas, RS, Brazil, 1979) has a degree in communication and is a social media specialist, broadcaster and commercial speaker since 1996, also graduated in class 2016 at the Experimental Dance Group of Porto Alegre. Luluca L was a non-binary trans everything, dissident, contemporary, independent, experimental performer and visual artist between 2015/2020 and died to value their works. In the pandemic, they was reborn as L, post invisible amateur persona, and operates most exclusively in the web3/nft/cryptoart/metaverse ecosystems. Minter at Mintbase, UniqArt and Paras, partner of projects, stores, guilds and DAOs. Bounty Hunter on the Near forum. 3xr gallery curator. Head of NFT at @mutha. Also present in Tezos at Teia and 8bidou.


Hey there! Thank you for your contributions.

Partner, it is important to mention the following:

Being a council member is to have voting rights, so you are not a former council, but still a council,

I mean: you are still part of the Council board even when the voting group where you are is called: Members.

Do you think this quote is good enough, @FritzWorm? I can change it. Look now if it is better, friend.

One more thing, just to be clear: members group has a different weight inside DAO’s votings. While council members can decide with the majority of council members achieved, general members can only decide when the majority of all members is achieved. So I have voting power (which I did not use it for this time being), but I do not have council voting power for now.


Yes there can be several groups with diferent names and different voting power, doesnt need to be named council either.

The definition we have for council is someone with voting power in the DAO. You have a voting power, no matter the weight, you have it.
@creativesdao-council @Cryptonaut @williamx @blusw @kc_sollano @Paul

To elaborate further with an example:

Your community can have 800 members in the Telegram group, those are members.

And there could be 10 of those with voting power in the DAO, those are councils.

Then we can said that the DAO is formed by 10 members
 yes. And those members are the councils in the definition we have, by having voting power.

The point is, you have voting power there, you are a member of the community but also a member of the DAO, there should be a distinction and that is knowing that you are not a former council, you are a council (voting power)


I understand your point. So I believe that, by your definition, I became a council now. Nevertheless, for the months required, I was not in that group, neither acting like council, neither taking any decisions.

1 Like

hi @Wiswiz nice to meet you too!! let’s keep in charge!


Hi dear Community

I am glad to say that Near Ecosystem have being changing my life!

This was my last step to jump into here:

You can find my traces through ecosystem by the name of wasem_simon.near and blua_discordia.near. Im an NFT artist, curator, and a #nomadelabel-dao guidance member.

So many things to say and share, but for now i just wanna share the sociais:

Nomade Label (@nomadeagenda) Antimarketing Instagram

Nomade Label (@nomadelabel) / Twitter

Lea Arafah - Mana Blua (@lea_blua) personal Instagram

Thanks for all

so many powerful meetings happening here
This is our biggest asset - our humanness behind this machine :rainbow: :blue_heart: :fist:t4:


Hellow, my name is BeetleJuice <3

I’m a 39 years old Brazilian designer, educator, artist, RPG player and mother <3

I work in a Brazilian metaverse (liveplanet.com.br); studying for my master degree (With RPG on the topic of research) in ESDI/UERJ (Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial da Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro); I graduate and postgraduate in PUC-Rio (PontifĂ­cia Universidade CatĂłlica do Rio de Janeiro), there i studied visual communication and service design.

I only use free software to do my work. It was a political decision I took in 2006 and remains to this day. I’m passionate by decentralization and autonomy because they are the center of all I believe: anarchy; feminism; education; RPG; the way for a better and fair world.

My astrological sign and rising sign is Pisces.

I entered Web3 in 2021 creating NFTs. I arrived in NEAR Protocol at November 2021 working in the diagramming of NEAR Metaverse Magazine (a Metaverse DAO’s project).

I have helped create and develop Spiritual DAO since its beginning. And already be KYC of it.

I helped with some bureaucratic stuff in The Philosophers DAO, because they were new.

I’m trying to bring some people to Near Protocol and on-boarded 5 people until now.

I’m starting the Dice DAO where the main subject it’s one of my biggest passions: RPG (we aren’t in AstroDAO yet, we want to settle down first <3)

Beside the council work I did arts for DAOs social media, the 6 existing numbers of the NEAR Metaverse Magazine; events and a lot of NFTs.

I’m really passionate about projects and study the subject a lot connecting the knowledge with service design.

I have 2 dogs (Jack and Thrull); 1 daughter, 1 son. I’m a bookbinder and a certified dog rehabilitator (like Cesar Milan, lol). I already made a lot of organizing courses.

You can see all my social medias, resume and portfolio in this link:

(a lot of stuff is in Portuguese)

My wallet is beetle-juice.near and my cast votes (until the moment of this publication) is:

Metaverse DAO 117 votes

The Philosophers DAO 23 votes

Spiritual DAO 82 votes

Dice DAO Not in Astrodao yet

I’m here to clear any possible doubts, and help if anyone need (and I have the skill for it)

Be in the Journey <3


Hi! My name is Christa aka Gemini Rising,
I am a founding council member of INA DAO
Also council member of VanDAO and EDU Creatives
And, I have recently started a new DAO called LP DAO.

website: https://geminirisingmedia.com
twitter: https://twitter.com/GeminiRising13
IG: @geminirisingmedia
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @GeminiRisingMedia
Discord: geminirising#6394

I have been in the Web3 space since 2019, mostly creating art NFTs. I have personal accounts on Known Origin, Rarible, Async Art, Mintbase and Paras. I also have a parcel in Voxels and have been building for others in that space since 2021.

I got interested in the NEAR protocol after reading their White Paper in late 2020. I really liked the idea of clean NFTs and in particular the importance of communities. I started out on Mintbase when they were still building on ETH and continued with them on their journey with NEAR.

In January, I somehow fell into the council of INA DAO and have been active ever since in the realm of DAOs and communities on NEAR.

This quote, for me, is the most essential thing regarding creatives. I believe that not only is the Creatives DAO relevant, but THE most important thing of all. Creatives are the backbone of everything in this space and truthfully the backbone of the world.

Although artists are probably the most underpaid professionals in the world, the world would not exist without them. We as artists need financial support in the kind of world that exists. During the Renaissance artists were supported by rich patrons. Imagine a world without DaVinci or Michaelangelo. They did not have metrics or proof that their art had financial value, they just received support from those rich and appreciative enough to give it.

[Art is uniquely positioned to move people—inspiring us, inciting new questions and provoking curiosity, excitement, and outrage.

Artists can strengthen the will and push people to act. They do not think like policymakers or academics people.

Artists think from their heart – big, revolutionary, and visionary ideas.

This is why artists are able to move people to action, thus creates a significant cultural and political contributions.

This is what makes art powerful.

What I like most about the NEAR ecosystem is the fact that they are supporting artists, just like those patrons during the Renaissance. Not only that, but they are supporting artists from developing countries, that would ordinarily not have the resources to hone their skills and create. Nowhere else have I seen this, not on the Ethereum blockchain, not on the Tezos blockchain, not on the BNB blockchain. This support for the artistic community is what drew me to NEAR in the first place. I think it is a mistake to discount the importance of the Creatives community. We are VERY important!

Total votes cast as geminirising.near on Astro: 111


Hi! My name is Christa aka Gemini Rising,
I am a founding council member of INA DAO
Also council member of VanDAO and EDU Creatives
And, I have recently started a new DAO called LP DAO.

NEAR wallet: geminirising.near
website: https://geminirisingmedia.com
twitter: https://twitter.com/GeminiRising13
IG: @geminirisingmedia
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @GeminiRisingMedia
Discord: geminirising#6394

I have been in the Web3 space since 2019, mostly creating art NFTs. I have personal accounts on Known Origin, Rarible, Async Art, Mintbase and Paras. I also have a parcel in Voxels and have been building for others in that space since 2021.

I got interested in the NEAR protocol after reading their White Paper in late 2020. I really liked the idea of clean NFTs and in particular the importance of communities. I started out on Mintbase when they were still building on ETH and continued with them on their journey with NEAR.

In January, I somehow fell into the council of INA DAO and have been active ever since in the realm of DAOs and communities on NEAR.

This quote, for me, is the most essential thing regarding creatives. I believe that not only is the Creatives DAO relevant, but THE most important thing of all. Creatives are the backbone of everything in this space and truthfully the backbone of the world.

Although artists are probably the most underpaid professionals in the world, the world would not exist without them. We as artists need financial support in the kind of world that exists. During the Renaissance artists were supported by rich patrons. Imagine a world without DaVinci or Michaelangelo. They did no need metrics or proof that their art had financial value, they just received support from those rich enough to give it.

[Art is uniquely positioned to move people—inspiring us, inciting new questions and provoking curiosity, excitement, and outrage.

Artists can strengthen the will and push people to act. They do not think like policymakers or academics people.

Artists think from their heart – big, revolutionary, and visionary ideas.

This is why artists are able to move people to action, thus creates a significant cultural and political contributions.

This is what makes art powerful.

What I like most about the NEAR ecosystem is the fact that they are supporting artists, just like those patrons during the Renaissance. Not only that, but they are supporting artists from developing countries, that would ordinarily not have the resources to hone their skills and create. Nowhere else have I seen this, not on the Ethereum blockchain, not on the Tezos blockchain, not on the BNB blockchain. This support for the artistic community is what drew me to NEAR in the first place. The Creatives community is one of the most important communities on NEAR.

If we are to implement metrics regarding this DAO, it should be in regards to how many pieces of art created and how many new artists we have onboarded onto NEAR.

Total votes cast on Astro: 111


Yo frenz, I’m Dedeukwu A.K.A Metahuman Dede with N.C.E on English/Theatre Art from Alvan Ikoku University of Education UNN,Nigeria and it’s a nice step forward for creatives DAO i must say considering what’s happening right now with DAOs. Used to run a Nightclub and borehole drilling Engineering before the pandemic but now i do musicNFTs, Blockchain radio host for AfrofutureDAO, Community management, Metaverse architecture, Farmer and philanthropist and I’m a council member to Graffbase DAO and co-founder of C1 Guild which was registered as an NGO in the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria late March 2022; I joined the NEAR ecosystem February 2021 through DAOrecords, co-founded NxM Guild during testnet and I’ve onboarded a huge number of creatives and community builders through my vision to onboard 1 million Africans.

Social handles:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/_Dedeukwu

Instagram: Login ‱ Instagram

Website: C1foundation.io

-Interviews and shill of audioNFTs artists in my radio shows.
-C1 Guild partnership with Shiny Gloves club on humanitarian activities.
-Registered as NGO.
-Established a creative studio for C1/DedeukwuShryne in Lagos state,Nigeria.
-Built the C1 Gallery in Cryptovoxels.
-Co-founded CTRL changing the narrative.
-Returning 30% proceeds of what i make to take kids back to school currently on 3 less privileged kids since August 2021 hoping to increase the numbers with C1 NGO.

I look forward to the self sustainability of DAOS in the NEAR ecosystem because only then can we justify the vision and roadmap of the community, thank you CreativesDAO for the opportunities.
