Community Metrics 24 May 21

:fire: Community Metrics Update Thread @weekly-updates
@RileyTran @3UN1C3 @Chloe_nonce @angela_yan

The market sentiment wasn’t very optimistic last week. So we put our focus on nurturing long term builders and our existing community.

Discord total members: 12030→ 12289 (+259)
Telegram total members: 16408 → 16422 (+14)
Active guild: 41


  • Our telegram member growth has plateaued during the past week
  • There are more active members in the group who brought up positive conversation
  • In the last week, we added in combot to the chat group, as well as 20+ admins/moderators from the community to improve the scammer issues

Major Discussion topics on telegram

  • NEAR wallet and staking support
  • Tipbot
  • DAPPs and DeFi projects status (LollySwap, skyward finance,
  • General market chat (token price and other L1 projects)

Weekly Report

  1. Facebook update:
  • Total fan: 5188 → 5421

  • Link of posts NEAR Vietnam:

  1. Telegram group NEAR Vietnam:

Total member: 5524-> 5633

  • Link of posts NEAR Vietnam:
  • Link of posts on other groups:

Business Flux Protocol Raises $10.3M Seed Round to Build DeFi Infrastructure on NEAR:

Livestream: DeFi on NEAR with GFS Group:

  1. Community Report:

GFS Group

  • Link of posts GFS Group:

Livestream: DeFi on NEAR:


  • Link of posts Coin98 Group:

Hint NEAR:


China community update: 2021/05/18-2021/05/24

We mainly focus on building a more healthier community last week, keep it alive and driven more positive discussion on different channels.

  1. Officially Wechat managed groups: 50, total members 13156->13091( -65)
  2. QQ officially managed group: 1126-> 1141(+16)
  3. Top guild of this week : 4 ( CST guild, CODAME(IOTA), Mars Finance,Wenear guild,)
  4. The total members of Guild: 34.
  5. Total size of community on Tencent social platform (WeChat/QQ): 14282-> 14232(-50)
1 Like

The Vietnamese community is really amazing. Please continue to maintain a good relationship with coin98, it has a huge influence.

weekly report

  1. community growth
    Telegram group in Korea - 873 (+10)
    Kakao chat in Korea - 50 (+10)
    cobak - will be opened

Total number of community = 923 (+20)

  1. comprehensive input to community

comparison reports - 니어 VS 기타 등등 경쟁자들 전격 비교!. 니어(NEAR Protocol)는 완전히 분산되어 있으며,커뮤니티에… | by Nearprotocol_korofficial | May, 2021 | Medium
Near Aurora - Near Aurora 한 장 정리. 복잡하게 느껴졌던 니어 아우라 한 방 정리를 해드리겠습니다. | by Nearprotocol_korofficial | May, 2021 | Medium