Community Metrics 16 MAR 21

:fire: Community Metrics Update Thread
@RileyTran @Angela @3UN1C3

Global Community Updates:

Discord total members: 9277 → 9578 (+301)
Telegram total members: 8700 → 9025 (+325)
Active guild: 32

Screenshot 2021-03-17 at 1.13.55 PM

Screenshot 2021-03-17 at 1.14.02 PM

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China community update: 2021/03/08-2021/03151

  1. Officially managed groups - 17 ->18, total members 5993->6362
  2. Guild managed groups 26, total members 4053-> 4016
  3. QQ officially managed group: 510-> 620
  4. Total size of community on Tencent social platform (WeChat/QQ): 10556-> 10998
  5. Active guild: 3
  6. The total members of Guild: 34
  7. Official Account (think of it as newsletter subscribers)*: 8384-> 8910