Hey! I am the creator of the telegram channel AX MO. On my channel, I talk about popular cryptocurrencies and NFTs. I have almost 3000 subscribers and I have a leadership opinion.
I have been popularizing the Near and Near NFT blockchain for a long time. My subscribers are actively following this and participating in all the Near events that I talk about. I have already attracted a lot of people to the Near ecosystem.
My main goal is to supplant Solana. I believe that Near can take second place in the NFT community among blockchains.
I have a plan to promote the Near and Near NFT ecosystem among the telegram community:
- Publications of new and promising NFT projects on Near
- Educational articles on interaction with the Near ecosystem (how to create a wallet, where to buy a Near token. What is REF Finance, how to mint NFT, etc.)
- Giveaways (distribution of WLs, contests for the Near token, contests for nft)
- Near-topic podcasts with other telegram channels
I have already made more than 100 posts about the Near ecosystem and have collected more than 60000 views, more than 2000 comments, more than 500 reposts, made 10 giveaways
I’m going to increase these numbers many times over. I am also going to occupy the telegram community and flood it with the Near blockchain and increase sales volumes on the Paras secondary market with my influence and raise the Near token to the top of Coinmarketcap
I’m one of the first in the telegram community who showed that Near is cool
my channel: Telegram: Telegram: Contact @axuennomoney
my telegram: @lehnh
my wallet: lehnh.near
I will be waiting for your response and your suggestions. Ready to cooperate on an ongoing basis. I am a big fan of Near