[BOUNTY CLOSED] Four papers on Art, Culture, and Philosophy

Hello Near Community.
I share the paper entitled: Literary art and human rights: marginal voices in focus.




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Thank you, @Boldest and @dalcin.near. Would you mint the text as NFT in our store on Mintbase? If you could put info about the bounty, the period it happened, that u are a winnder, etc, it would be very good, for us to have material that could be researched by future people. I just added u both to the store Philosophart on mintbase.io. Please, after minting, send us half of the NFTs to thephilosophersdao.near and 1 NFT to the-philosophers-dao.sputnik-dao.near, and publish it here as a comment. After you publish it here, I will tell you to ask for the payout proposal. I added you too, @rosasdulces and @alfonsotech.

Please, use in the title "TPD Papers I: winner: Title, by Person"

Please, use our Logo inside the document. And Upload the PDF as FOREVER DOCUMENT, and also upload something as a COVER IMAGE, when you mint the NFT in our store on Mintbase.

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My mint here:

near wallet: urukhai.near

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Here is my paper (in Portuguese). Sorry for the delay. I tried to shorten it, but it got a little bigger. Soon I will share the NFT. Thank you so much! :smiling_face:

“Duchamp, ready-mades e filosofia da arte”

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thank you, @Boldest. But you should mint the PDF together with an image. The PDF should be in FOREVER MEDIA. Would you please burn it and mint it again? It is super important that the PDF is on FOREVER MEDIA. Please, @rosasdulces, pay attention for that too.

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Please, @rosasdulces, mint your text in Philosophart mintbase store, on mintbase.io. You are already a minter there.

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Please, attention, friends.

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Hi, how many copies are people minting? Mine is ready to go from an IPFS file. For uniformity, it might be better if you receive the papers and then mint them to your site as you wish. Instructions a little complicated, me thinks, if i may opine.

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Sorry, when you mint your NFT, there is a part called FOREVER DOCUMENT (not MEDIA, sorry), and you ca upload your pdf there. People are minting 50 copies, sending half to our external wallet thephilosophersdao.near and 1 do the dao wallet on astrodao.

This is the site: mintbase.io

You just need to login with your near wallet, click create, then mint, and start the minting process. There is a part to put an image (it can be a print from the first page) and another one, called FOREVER DOCUMENT, where you can upload the PDF. And also you must put your wallet on revenue and royalties.

I agree that it would be good for uniformity, but as we have many projects, we let this role for the winners, to reduce our labor and give more resources to the winners (given we would have to pay ourselves to do this job, if we are going to be fair with our time - I hope you understand us).

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My Mint here :slight_smile:

wallet: urukhai.near

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@Boldest, thank you. Sorry for the trouble.
You can request your payout proposal on astro. :smiley:

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Thanks so much for the explanation! Its amazing! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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My first mint! :heart:

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Congrats!!! :star_struck: @rosasdulces thank you so much. You can request your payout proposal no astrodao.

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Dear @alfonsotech, it seems your link is not working. I was directed to an error page.

Project Report

Status: Completed


Bounty generated by the project:

Project Accounting:

We released a bounty for choosing 4 philosophical papers on Art, Philosophy, Culture, and/or Technology, and mint them as NFTs, in order to stimulate the philosophers to use the blockchain and the development of NFTs from writing material. We’ve chosen the papers through telegram and we confirmed it on astro.

We intended to mint 4 NFTs (50 copies each, half for the dao) from the chosen papers, with royalties and revenues divided between the philosophers and the dao, but only 2 writer minted the NFT for now, and one of them minted the image, and not the pdf - so the writer will have to do it again. They are going to mint it today or in the next days. Each writer who minted (two writers) received 100 usd in near.

Payout to the winners (4 members of the community receiving 100 usd in dai each. for now, just 2 received):

@alfonsotech (waiting for NFT and payout proposal)

@Boldest https://app.astrodao.com/dao/the-philosophers-dao.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/the-philosophers-dao.sputnik-dao.near-126

@rosasdulces https://app.astrodao.com/dao/the-philosophers-dao.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/the-philosophers-dao.sputnik-dao.near-125

@dalcin.near (waiting for NFT and payout)

Updated Project Timeline:

The project was completed in the appropriate time, except for 2 NFTs, that are in production by the writers, and another NFT which was minted wrongly, but will be corrected.

Highlights and Final Products:

We could produce 4 papers on philosophy (we have 3 for now in the forum) and 2 NFTs on Mintbase (and 2 more are on the way, one nft link was already sent by a writer, but it did not work - so we are going to try again), with revenue and royalties split among the artist and the dao.

400 DAI distributed to the community (in fact, 200 for now)


  • Dalcin: waiting for NFT

  • Alfonsotech: waiting for NFT



Missing Alfonsotech’s full text (I found only the abstract).


The project was ok, but we had not so much time to develop it, so not every artist could make their NFTs in time, although all of them were able to write the papers in time, but one of them did not posted in the forum. For a text bounty, a fair amount of people participated. As it is difficult for writers and philosophers to start minting, and they had problems, we are thinking in having a person to do this job for all of our projects instead of letting the writers doing it.

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Olá, pessoal!

Nosso blog está finalmente configurado aguardando os artigos de vocês.

Então, pedimos aos ganhadores das três edições dos bounties, por gentileza, nos enviem a versão .doc do seu texto, um minicurriculo e uma foto, para que possamos publicá-lo no blog da web2.

O envio deve ser realizado para o e-mail: contato@thephilosophersdao.org



@beetlejuice os artigos estao em:

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