In reference to our proposal, mentioned here:
Proposal Near - Artemis
Report week 3 of month 3 E-learning Artemis
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano. @Cristian
Project members
Maria Gutierrez - Marialegg.near
Jorge Cuauro - Jorgeluiscuauro.near
Juan Ochando - Jochando.near
Goals achieved in week 3 of month 3
The layout of what would be the changes to visualize the content of the course and the visualization of the exam, the evaluation of the course and the button for the certification was created in the figma, we worked on the configuration in vue of the changes made in the figma , already synchronized with the backend, the text viewer was modified, allowing the content to be displayed in pdf format to show the content of the course, the button for certification to present can now be displayed after the content of the course, as well as the button to value the course.
Course Content Screen - Video Viewer.
Course Content Screen - PDF Viewer.
Message for certification.
course evaluation
The models were created in the djando for the test, which would be the exam questions with the answers, it is also being seen how to save the certification when presenting the exam, validate if the exam was passed, store the note and then generate the certificate.
It was possible to make a person who made the purchase of a course have permission to view the content of the course, once a person makes the purchase of a course, the id of the purchased course is already saved in the profile.
A function was made to show all the courses purchased on the learning screen, a function was made so that when selecting the content of the course, all the content of the instructor is displayed.
Estimated time for completion of the project - Pending to be developed