Project URL: (enter n/a for none) *
Telegram Handle: *
Project’s X (Twitter):
Discord Server Address:
About The Game
Briefly Describe your project: *
SPEARonNEAR is the fruit of a group of developers who are passionate about connecting people through valuing creation. We have been attracted to NEAR chain because of its potential scalability and user friendliness, and we feel very strongly about its future and would love to be a part of the ecosystem to bring forth its potential.
What is the USP ( unique selling point) of your game? *
Big plans need big spears! SPEAR game will be the tip of the iceberg, we envision building the most comprehensive entertainment ecosystem beginning with NEAR Protocol. Within our short to medium term plan, we will be releasing numerous games and utilities, these games will incorporate a small amount of other projects’ brand identities and materials. For example, with permission and collaboration plans in place, we will utilize other project’s brand as our bosses. And upon successful defeat said bosses, there might be rewards offered by another project, whether it’d be token or NFTs. Now this cross-project collaboration is just the beginning. The goal is not just NEAR, but EVERYWHERE! We plan on incorporating projects from other chains as well!
How does your game align with the NDC and Gaming WG KPIs? *
Gaming Charter: GamingDAO Charter - Google Docs
We are 100% onboard with the KPIs set out by the NDC.
Please Describe Your User Demographic:
A prediction based on NEAR and general Crypto demographics. Predominantly young male in their 20-40 years of age.
What is your Tech Stack? *
MEAN + unity + other web3 specifics.
Status of the Project:
Currently in development
In development - Pre-MVP
✓ Other: Game alpha and NEAR integration are almost ready!
In case your game is not launched yet, what is the current state and when is the launch planned?
We are roughly 3-4 weeks away from launch.
Financial *
✓ Bootstrapped (Team is covering expenses)
✓ Previous Grant/s
1 Seed Round
2+ Seed Rounds
Live Token
Monthly Burn Rate In USD: *
Link to a playable version of the game *
To evaluate your request, we need to check the current state of the game. If you can’t provide a playable version, please tell us why and when we can expect one. Be aware: For funding requests a playable MVP with working NEAR integration is required.
Will the game be NEAR exclusive or is it planned to integrate other chains or a web2 version?
We will be NEAR exclusive for the first 1-2 years, then ultimately, we would like to offer cross chain playability.
About Your Team:
How many Team Members are working on the project: *
Where is your Team from?
The Netherlands and the US
What is the economic concept of the game to be sustainable in the future and when will that point be reached?
The game will be self sufficient upon the release of Beta, since the game runs on a RNG that incorporate a gambling mechanism.
Please Tell Us About Your Development Team: *
SpearOnNear operate on a Lean team structure, each member if self sufficient and we have multiple cross functions. 2 of our development team members also in charge of business development as well as marketing and community management.
Please Tell Us About Your BD Team: *
2 of the 4 team members are actively seeking partnerships and collaboration with other projects and Near specific opinion leaders. Including youtubers, podcasts appearance, and Jump Def launch pad.
Please Tell Us About Your Marketing / Community Building Team: *
The project core team primarily utilize organic growth; through word of mouth and social media promotions, we managed to grow a community of 200 in the first week, over 10k impression on X/Twitter. More to come :).
What Kind Of Support Is Needed?
Please select the areas you request support on *
✓ Marketing
Business Concepts
Technical Support
Please provide more information about the selected areas
As we are approaching launch date, we begin to strategize a marketing plan. As we map out the specifics, we realized that in order to bring SPEARONNEAR to the height its meant to be, we need your support. We need funding for marketing to appropriately attract those audience and onboard them to NEAR.
Projects That Help Increase Transactions & Onboard Users Will Have Priority.
Grant Amount Requested (in USD): *
Please provide a budget breakdown *
M1 - 3000$
Marketing Budget Breakdown by Milestones
Milestone 1. Initial community outreach, establish presence on all social media platforms – $3,000.
• Assemble a team of 5 ambassadors to increase awareness and drive engagement
• Leveraging their experience and reach to advertise the SPEARonNEAR brand through social medias, events, and public appearances.
• Our goal is to attract crypto, gaming, and web3 gaming enthusiasts to the SPEARonNEAR ecosystem. We expect our Telegram group to experience growth by 1000, 2000, and 3000 members, representing low, anticipated, and high levels of expansion, respectively. Each of the Ambassadors are evaluated based on their performance.
• We will actively monitor the progress through engagement rate, reach & impressions, conversion rate, brand sentiment, and audience growth. Each of the ambassadors will be compensated $100/week base pay + $50 bonus (Provided based on individual goal of onboarding 100 new users on a weekly basis). Any remaining balance will be offered to high performing individual(s) after 4 weeks to continue until funds run out.
М2 - 2000$
Milestone 2. Key Opinion Leader Engagements - $2,000
• Partnering with gaming influencers for sponsored streams and content: $1,000
• Strategic collaborations with established gaming projects on/off NEAR: $1,000
M3 - 1000$
Milestone 3. Public Relation Campaign - $1,000
Informative/educational: Content centered around valid information mainly regarding Spear but also the NEAR Ecosystem.
Creative: Visually appealing content such as gameplay trailers, UGC gameplay videos, art focused on Spear and more.
Entertainment: (recorded) AMA sessions, polls, behind-the-scenes and more.
M4 - 4000$
Milestone 4. Promote and attract participation through in-game marketing campaigns - $4,000.
• In-Game Promotions and Partnerships: $1,500
o Sponsor in-game events, challenges, promotions/giveaways: $1,500
• Content Creation and Distribution: $1,500
o Creating gameplay videos and tutorials: $500
o Graphic design for in-game assets and promotional materials: $500
o Content distribution on gaming forums and communities: $500
• Miscellaneous Expenses: $1,000
o Software tools for analytics and marketing automation: $500
o Contingency fund for unexpected expenses: $500
Total 10,000$