Hey guys!
I wasn’t aware Yulian, from NEAR, is heading up this and implementing the regional model we’re looking for.
Consider this approved. Please submit to the MarketingDAO whenever you like!
Hey guys!
I wasn’t aware Yulian, from NEAR, is heading up this and implementing the regional model we’re looking for.
Consider this approved. Please submit to the MarketingDAO whenever you like!
Sure, thanks.
But i wrote about all our team.
RU Community team: @zavodil @rasfies @Vladislav_vl25 @yulian
Музыку я обычно слушаю в Spotify(там можно также загрузить что угодно и слушать без интернета), поэтому честно говоря, даже не знаю, кто будет слушать в телеграмме что-либо еще, кроме подкастов или голосовых чатов.
Но возможно кому-то и нужно это.
Предлагаю не оскорблять людей, а если хочется подискутировать, можно создать нейтральную тему на форуме или обсудить все в чате сообщества, где тебя всегда ждут.
Some classic drama with Ru Guild proposal
In general, it is worth noting that this budget also includes coordinating with top influencers in Ru crypto space and helping projects within the ecosystem to translate content.
@Dacha - @Vladislav_vl25’s responsibilities include building a team and gradually increasing the scope of the guild. For now, it’s been a bit over-focused on content translation, but we are working towards changing that and experimenting more with AMAs and more creative engagement activities within the community. We also want to set an example of how we are evaluating partners and using data driven approach to content. This should help us identify content that community likes and engages with. It’s only been a bit over a month since we officially started this project so there’s still a lot to be done.
With the help of the influencers we secured, we were able to get 500+ people to our event in Kyiv last month. And honestly, I felt like we could have filled a stadium if I didn’t stop the sign ups (of course I’m exaggerating but you know what I mean). Also, some top quality content was created such as an interview with Illia on Incrypted’s channel. In addition, we also coordinated with our partners such as 4ire labs and Everstake and they presented at the event.
@MusicbyNEAR - let us know how see a potential collaboration. In general, for now I’d consider Ru Guild as more of an attempt to create a crypto media hub. This is why we are working with influencers and crypto media outlets. DeFi is somewhat of a hot topic and a lot of development is been happening in this area within NEAR ecosystem. You should also understand that the coverage we are getting from influencers is somewhat limited to 3-4 posts per month so you’re competing for attention with somewhat gigantic projects like NEAR itself, Aurora, Octopus, Ref Finance and so on. Plus, most of their audience is DeFi focused while looks like you’re targeting a more general audience. It is great you’re working on NFT stuff and we hope you don’t give up and continue your development.
@David_NEAR - next few weeks are pretty tough for a call given conferences and in general a lot of developments within the ecosystem. Please feel free to ask any questions here or DM me. In general, we thought we created a proposal last month and this was covering us for at least some time. Looks like we pretty much had to go through an approval process all over again. I think it worth giving approvals for at least 3 month before re-evaluation; otherwise, it becomes very time consuming and disturbs the operation of the guild.
Благо дарю! за песню и совет. ребятки отлично сделали!
Что не смог один - смогут многие)
Давай вместе подумаем над форматом ,и на штаны хватит - я в этом просто уверен!!
Я мыслю так - основа это польза для людей. для людей вокруг. для наших людей вокруг…
Думаю над сервисом взаимопомощи и\или взаимной ответственности. главное прописать в блоксхеме как это все может органично вписаться в жизнь - а закодить это уже дело техники.
А по поводу музыкального формата - возять песни мощные и добавить наши идеи
и мощно и идейно
Where did I say you’re a competitor?
well, competing for attention and a competitor have quite different meanings
Так мы и так в Мукачевской банде
Since funding of these types of proposals moved over to the MarketingDAO we wanted to ensure the same level of accountability across all ‘big-ticket’ proposals, hence why we requested the call. So, there is no re-evaluation here, more of an initial evaluation.
Happy to schedule something a little later in the year though, all good. Keep up the awesome work, guys
I appreciate your effort asking for more clarity
Yes some things can be bargained/reasoned with but comparing an hardworking and successful Crypto guy with avarage (or above avarage) CM working outside of this sector is humiliation