[APPROVED] Program Funding by Svara DAO for August 2022

You can see my July report from Svara DAO and when our funding from NF was delayed, we continued to run our program with the help of loans from NxM and Near Indonesia and the rest our personal funds from the Bank.

Please join to our Svara DAO Telegram

This is the result of our hard work for 3 months @teezyindo @derymars

Telegram members now 207, Instagram followers 167, twitter follower 37 and I have 4547 Twitter followers, this is quite helpful to promote NEAR activities.

for info :

And yesterday I had a meeting with one of the art councils from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to carry out the Metaverse project plan for the IMEX (Indonesia Musik Expo 2023) event and I introduced the Near ecosystem to them.
