[Proposal] DJ DAO - May 2022
Project/Council Members:
DJ DAO Astrodao:
Total Requested Funding Amount:
$ 5000
Some elements of this proposal were initially pitched April 2022, however we were instructed to resubmit for May instead.
Projects & Timelines:
This month’s budget request is for the purpose of funding May’s episodes of the Strictly Ballein events; which will feature @zeitwarp @plantasia and @glazedbaguette.near.
We will also be funding our new event series "Virtual Wave where we will be seeing @electrobro come onboard as co-facilitator and representative of the collective.
Additionally DJ DAO will be running it’s first on-ground LIVE show in Kuala Lumpur!
Event visuals concept by Sinewave Surfers
We are also happy to report that our Astrodao has been deployed thanks to February’s funding.
List of Activities:
- Strictly Ballein May 2022
- Maintain existing Socials (Twitter, Twitch, Mixcloud, Instagram, Telegram)
- Virtual Wave
- DJ DAO Showcase Live in Kuala Lumpur
Funding Breakdown
- Strictly Ballein May 2022 - $ 1250
- Virtual Wave - $ 1250
- DJ DAO Showcase Live in Kuala Lumpur - $ 1000
- DAO Facilitation - $ 1500