Automated Deployment of Indexer
PrimeLab is excited to launch our Automated Indexer Deployment Utility for NEAR Protocol. Quickly deploy your own PRODUCTION READY Indexer 82% FASTER!
Whether you’re a new dApp or a seasoned publisher, you have a need for reliable & verifiable blockchain data. Running an Indexer node enables you to maintain a reliable & verifiable “Source of Truth” for blockchain data.
Current Public Solutions
The near-indexer-for-explorer repository available in the NEAR GitHub org provides you with a basic Indexer project that can be deployed to start your own indexer. It assumes that you have experience and knowledge of Postgres Databases, Cloud Architecture, Docker, and a high-level understanding of using Cargo.
Our Improved Solution
We’re providing a Terraform based solution that enables you to deploy the near-indexer-for-explorer project AND all of the infrastructure, databases, security group settings, backups, etc. needed to ensure your project is up and running quickly.
Automatic Resource Deployment
When deploying an Indexer with our proposed solution, you’re able to build and deploy using the default parameters, or adjust the input parameters to fit your infrastructure or use-case.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
account | The account number associated with the environment. | number | null | no |
ecs_asg_desired_capacity | EC2 Capacity Providers ASG - Min Number of Instances | number | 1 | no |
ecs_asg_max_size | EC2 Capacity Providers ASG - Max Number of Instances | number | 1 | no |
ecs_asg_min_size | EC2 Capacity Providers ASG - Min Number of Instances | number | 1 | no |
ecs_instance_type | Instance Type for ECS Cluster | string | “c5.2xlarge” | no |
efs_filesystems | A map of EFS filesystems to create using the EFS module. | map | {} | no |
environment | Name of Environment for deployment. | string | null | no |
indexer_archive_health_check_block_id | Block ID To Check from for the Healthcheck | number | 0 | no |
indexer_archive_node_cpu | ECS Container - Indexer Node CPU | number | 4096 | no |
indexer_archive_node_ram | ECS Container - Indexer Node RAM | number | 8192 | no |
indexer_aurora_autoscaling_enabled | n/a | bool | false | no |
indexer_aurora_autoscaling_max_capacity | n/a | number | 1 | no |
indexer_aurora_autoscaling_min_capacity | n/a | number | 0 | no |
indexer_aurora_engine | n/a | string | “aurora-postgresql” | no |
indexer_aurora_engine_version | n/a | string | “13.4” | no |
indexer_aurora_instance_class | n/a | string | “db.r6g.large” | no |
indexer_aurora_instances | n/a | any | { “one”: {}} | no |
indexer_aurora_monitoring_interval | n/a | number | 60 | no |
indexer_chain_id | n/a | string | “localnet” | no |
indexer_command_concurrency | The number of outbound connections to the blockchain | number | 1 | no |
indexer_data_archive_url | n/a | string | “” | no |
indexer_docker_tag | n/a | string | null | no |
indexer_generate_config | n/a | string | “” | no |
indexer_is_archive | Weither to set the indexer node in archive mode | bool | true | no |
indexer_near_dirpath | n/a | string | “/indexer/near/” | no |
indexer_run_migration | n/a | string | “” | no |
indexer_set_archive | n/a | string | “” | no |
indexer_sync_delta | n/a | string | “” | no |
indexer_sync_from_command | n/a | string | “” | no |
redshift_automated_snapshot_retention_period | How long will we retain backups | number | 0 | no |
redshift_cluster_database_name | The name of the database to create | string | “” | no |
redshift_cluster_master_username | Master username | string | “etl” | no |
redshift_cluster_node_type | Node Type of Redshift cluster | string | “” | no |
redshift_cluster_number_of_nodes | Number of nodes in the cluster (values greater than 1 will trigger ‘cluster_type’ of ‘multi-node’) | number | 1 | no |
region | Name of region for deployment. | string | “us-east-1” | no |
Build/Deployment Process
Terraform automatically provisions and deploys all required infrastructure, databases, and packages needed to run your Indexer.
After deploying your core infrastructure, Indexer, and the required databases, you’re provided with all of the resources created during the deployment.
Name | Description |
ecs_cluster_name | The name of the ECS cluster |
multi_region_primary_aurora_kms_key_arn | Multi-Region primary key for indexer-aurora-primary Cluster |
primary_aurora_global_cluster_engine | Name of the database engine to be used for this DB cluster. |
primary_aurora_global_cluster_engine_version | Engine version of the Aurora global database. |
primary_aurora_global_cluster_id | RDS Global Cluster identifier |
primary_aurora_reader_endpoint | A read-only endpoint for the cluster, automatically load-balanced across replicas |
primary_aurora_security_group_id | The security group ID of the cluster |
primary_aurora_writer_endpoint | Writer endpoint for the cluster |
redshift_cluster_arn | The Redshift cluster ARN |
redshift_cluster_automated_snapshot_retention_period | The backup retention period |
redshift_cluster_availability_zone | The availability zone of the Cluster |
redshift_cluster_database_name | The name of the default database in the Cluster |
redshift_cluster_encrypted | Whether the data in the cluster is encrypted |
redshift_cluster_endpoint | The connection endpoint |
redshift_cluster_hostname | The hostname of the Redshift cluster |
redshift_cluster_id | The Redshift cluster ID |
redshift_cluster_identifier | The Redshift cluster identifier |
redshift_cluster_node_type | The type of nodes in the cluster |
redshift_cluster_nodes | Cluster nodes in the Redshift cluster |
redshift_cluster_parameter_group_name | The name of the parameter group to be associated with this cluster |
redshift_cluster_port | The port the cluster responds on |
redshift_cluster_preferred_maintenance_window | The backup window |
redshift_cluster_public_key | The public key for the cluster |
redshift_cluster_revision_number | The specific revision number of the database in the cluster |
redshift_cluster_security_groups | The security groups associated with the cluster |
redshift_cluster_subnet_group_name | The name of a cluster subnet group to be associated with this cluster |
redshift_cluster_type | The Redshift cluster type |
redshift_cluster_version | The version of Redshift engine software |
redshift_cluster_vpc_security_group_ids | The VPC security group ids associated with the cluster |
redshift_parameter_group_id | The ID of Redshift parameter group created by this module |
redshift_subnet_group_id | The ID of Redshift subnet group created by this module |
secondary_aurora_reader_endpoint | A read-only endpoint for the cluster, automatically load-balanced across replicas |
secondary_aurora_security_group_id | The security group ID of the cluster |
That’s it! 
You’re now running a Production-Ready Indexer deployed and syncing with the NEAR MainNet!
Release Roadmap:
- RDS Restore Points & Compute Restore Points
- Requester-Pays RDS backups enabling you to skip the long initial sync process.
- Indexer APIs
- Basic REST/GraphQL APIs that enable any development team to quickly query the indexer data without creating complex indices or queries.