About Learnnear website

This topic is for discussion regarding the Learn Near website.


There is already a category for this, you can find it here.

Awesome to see you getting involved :tada: If you want to start a thread re: LearnNEAR then feel free to do so there :muscle:

hello. help me. newbie
tôi cần 2 near để thực hành.
vui lòng gửi tới địa chỉ: vuihoc.near
cảm ơn


How can we help? What are you struggling with?

tại sao tôi không đổi điểm Lnear sang near
tôi có 158 LNear
làm thế nào?

You could reach out to the LearnNEAR team via Twitter, drop them a DM


bạn có thể cho tôi 1 near
thực hành

I cannot, no. And please don’t solicit NEAR here. Thank you!