A pequena keruaka

Great news!!!

From those partnerships that have come before, but have established their presence here, here’s a nice one!

NADA Studio Criativo DAO and Filmes de Infiltração DAO.
We are launching a children’s book that will be translated into English and other languages in the future. LITTLE KERUAKA is being born!

A PEQUENA KERUAKA (The Little Keruaka) is Keruaka’s travel diary that recounts her journey on a mission to reforest cities.
The work is a children’s book by Thaís de Almeida Prado @thaisampr.near , with illustrations by Priscila Montania @primontania.near , consultancy by Kaianaku Kamaiurá, proofreading by Ana Moura (@anacmoura.near), designed and published by NADA∴Studio Criativo (Alex Zani @aandz.near and Baga Defente @bagadefente.near). “A Pequena Keruaka” was awarded by Proac Editais 2022 and will be on sale from the end of March 2024.

We’ve had state support and not from our crypto universe, but we’ll extrapolate here with some NFTs and a version of a crypto book and perhaps the version of a web3 game, well dreamed up!

Today we’ll have a live stream in Portuguese about the book! It’ll be here:

Here are some illustrations by Priscila Montania (@primontania), who has already been minted previously, and who won her laurels for INA DAO :wink: